Pinball-throwing Virtual Reality Game Hurl Launches

Dan Thornton
Disposable Media
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2017

Given the reactions some players have to virtual reality games, Hurl might not be the best name for a new title. But it does make sense when the debut from Lithuanian developers Rusty Oak involves throwing balls around.

Hurl is out from today on Steam for HTC Vive and costs $4.99/ £3.99/ €4.99. In exchange for your cash, you’ll be transported into a massive virtual pinball machine, and have to mix ball throwing and tactics to solve puzzles and beat 30 levels in the game.

Virtual Reality Game Hurl

“Hurl VR is our tribute to the arcade Pinball machines we loved as kids and we are delighted to launch it on Steam”, said Petras Malinauskas, Co-Founder at Rusty Oak, “We’ve borrowed the premise and atmosphere from the original Pinball tables and time-travelled the concept into the 21st century by transferring it to virtual reality and embracing players’ physical aspects to make it a more individualized and immersive experience.”

Apparently, different levels will suit different players. So taller and shorter gamers will both have an advantage at times.

So that’s the best way to Hurl with virtual reality…


Originally published at Disposable Media.



Dan Thornton
Disposable Media

Founder @thewayoftheweb - content, marketing and technology. Also writes, blogs, loves motorcycles, eats steak tacos and reads a lot