I thought I saw a pussy cat.

Chris Evans
7 min readDec 23, 2015


There is a set of symbols in front of you that register in your thought as words, these words have no meaning beyond what you think of them, it is you who develops all external stimuli into each thought, a thought only you can have and experience, a weightless formless entity that can have no harm in itself, as it is ‘just a thought®’

You will be in a mood right now, that mood will depend on what and how you’re thinking, and will have a general affect on your actions and well being, moods, which are just thoughts, can be good or bad, and it is your thoughts that affect your mood, not the other way round, that would be your external mood, which you present to others perhaps, or just to yourself to be seen.

It is the thought which makes you think you are who you are. Only when you think about something, does it become real, this does not mean clumsy trees in forests don’t make a noise, the laws of physics are real, but until you think about them, they are not quantified, a pound is just a pound, it is only 453.59237 grams when you weigh it or a hundred pence to spend, somewhere to keep lost dogs or you might do to a door that someone is tardy about opening, we think of these words as they exist for us, in english, the play probably gets lost in hebrew or mandarin and would make a translation of this absolute nonsense, I can understand any irony in that last statement.

So if you can get between those thoughts, those clouded perceptions, the blur of realities we face as we think our way through everyday, you will start to see properly, clearer, everything in fact, much like every cell contains all the DNA required to make an complete copy, every part of the universe, which was once just one thing contains a part of everything, is a part of everything, so therefor, is everything.

The closer you get to that space between thoughts, the single thoughtless thought, the further away from the mass of reality you will get, and time will become part of the moment the same as everything else, it will have no form, and the space between each heartbeat lasts an eternal instant, and the void allows your perception to experience everything about each moment, the retrospective consideration of which you will ‘see’ everything, and ‘know’ everything beyond what you look at, and so far away from what you can ever think, you will realise you only exist in thought as a mass, and everything you experience is a historical event as you cannot know what it is, or rather was, until you think about it, name it, consider it and give it time.

Your mind is so powerful it can perceive the entire universe in an instant, it was part of it once, and so still is, I mean, how much space does it take up in your head when you look at the sky on a clear moonless night, you can see approximately half the known universe, yet it is just a thought, as you look at it, you just see it until you you think about what you are looking at, start naming it, searching for familiar shapes, these moments when you lie back and catch a glimpse of the wonder and its gone, those moments in life when you lose or let go of control, when you cannot think, maybe too much is happening, and your thought is lost in panic or bliss, a shock or wilful submission to a moment in time that is not lost because it just is, in its moment of having been.

I dropped a glass one night, about to go to bed, getting a drink, and the space time continuum decided I should clip the glass on the kitchen side and watch it flick out and tumble with absolutely no grace what so ever onto the hard tiled floor and smash into a myriad of pieces.

Wasn’t best pleased about it really, but it happened and I had to deal with it. so I thought(?!) about it, how long it took, it seemed to take an age for the glass to fall, that moment, it seemed to take forever, okay slight exaggeration, but it took a time, well not a ’time’ in brackets, although it seemed like almost I had enough time to catch it, I watched it like the car crash in slow motion, it played out in front of me, and I was the observer, more than just a viewer, something about how as it fell I thought nothing but the glass, the drawn out ‘Ooooohhhhhhhh nnnnooooooooooo’, is just a single thought on the glass, a situation I could see everything once I realised it, and that space was filled with thought, but more thought than I could have considered in the time it takes a glass to fall, unless time was not such an issue, like a void had been filled with a far greater field of perception than is usual and in that instant I knew where all the pieces of glass were on the floor, in a way so that I couldn’t have stopped and told you, drawn a map and pointed them out, but I had a knowing of where they were, a clarity, a seeing everything that happened by not thinking about it, as I went about the room finding pieces here and there having scattered all over the floor, I knew I had to open the door the other side of the kitchen to find a piece of glass I recognised instantly as being there. I suppose it could have been panic, a shock, when the glass flicked out of my hand that triggered it, that split second, before any other ‘outside’ influence can take you off that single mindedness, when you can see and know everything, is just that flicker away from thought, it is a small step, but it has put something in my head away, further away from becoming physical in thought and external action, i.e. the way one behaves, it can create a realisation of what is actually real and what is thought of as real, and what is just thought.

The singularity of the mind without thought is the space that is occupied by everything that you are not thinking about, and you can never think about it, but you can be conscious of it, it is part of your mind as much as thought, more than thought, because it is the you that truly exists in the moment, and is not the personalised record of every thought that considers it, the historical inaccuracy that alters as it persists in memory, but will never actually change from what it is.

So much of our lives is lived in the past, every moment we consider a thing, it is another reflection of what happened, the thought, the memory will aways be a thought, but the moment will always be there.

You cannot change the past, you can accept that, as you cannot change anything, as everything you perceive is in that past, you can just be there affecting it when it happens, you can try interfering, but all that will happen, will happen. This is not about being fatalistic, of course you can do stuff to change the world, and so you should, as long as it’s for the better, it is about helping you realise, it is just the thoughts in your head that make you think like that, you are what you eat, and you will be what you think. A worry is just a thought, and one that usually cannot be made to disappear, unless you stop thinking about it.

You will never get rid of your thoughts, after all, they still make you who you are, and you probably have to do stuff which requires thought, but once you connect the thoughtless mind with your perception of what you consider to be everything, i.e. what you are conscious of, you will have a knowing in thought and have the space in your mind to not think, to have a thought and not consider it because it is bad or unsettling, and to move on in thought, and in-between thought and find a contentment which is at the top of your world, so you can see every horizon, every event on it and before it, stretched out as one panorama after another, all focused into one.

Which is to what is revealed, you don’t feel in the general sense of the word, as you have to think about it, and it doesn’t have a feeling like that, as you feel and sense everything, it overwhelms the normal senses we think about and hits a natural sense beyond them, yet has form within them as they are part of everything, but you do not feel bad, as it were, discomforted or unsettled, in fact all you feel is the opposite, you feel love, as that is what drives everything, it is the electricity that generates all that that is not thought, the real universe we look at but never see. You experience love and you probably think about it, but you think about a feeling you cannot form into an experience others can have the same as you, everyone is going to have a different experience of love, in the same way the different photons of light hit us from the sun, but it is the same sun, it is everything, including hate, the light can only show us where the dark is because of the shadows in our minds, so it is only light that can be, darkness has no form until you give it one, and light can only destroy that form, we all have the light in us, it just depends which way you are facing as to how many shadows you see, and you must look within yourself to see the light as everything you see externally is just a shadow of your thoughts.

Don’t stop thinking about what you are, just don’t let what you are become what you think, and you then become who you are.

