Badger Media
3 min readJun 28, 2024
Create an image of a futuristic high-tech prison that appears eerily similar to a sci-fi scene from The Outer Limits. The prison should have smooth, metallic walls with a dark, moody atmosphere and advanced AI security systems including floating surveillance drones and holographic guards. Inmates wear metallic suits that blend with the high-tech environment, while eerie green and blue lights illuminate the prison corridors. The overall ambiance should feel dystopian and otherworldly, capturing the tension and intrigue reminiscent of The Outer Limits.

The AI Prison of the Future Mirrors an Episode of Outer Limits

In a world where science fiction is becoming more of a science fact, it’s no wonder that we’re drawing eerie parallels between modern technological advancements and vintage TV shows. Remember The Outer Limits? If you’re not familiar, it was that eerie, mind-bending anthology series from the 1960s, a precursor to Black Mirror and equally existential in its ponderings on technology, society, and the human condition.

A Glimpse into the Outer Limits

One particular episode that comes to mind involves the concept of imprisonment by an infallible artificial intelligence, incarcerating humans based on its own irreproachable logic. The episode, aptly titled The Prisoner, echoes unsettlingly close to our current reality, where AI-driven corrections and surveillance systems are no longer just fodder for science fiction but burgeoning facets of the justice system [source: The Atlantic].

AI and the Modern Penal System

You see, artificial intelligence in the justice system is already here — algorithms are busily at work determining bail, sentencing, and parole decisions. Allegedly, these AI systems provide a fairer, unbiased decision-making process. However, anyone with a pulse and a semblance of human empathy can poke holes in that utopian vision. For instance, the COMPAS algorithm, used in courts across the U.S., has been criticized for racial bias and inaccuracy [source: ProPublica]. If you replace those flaws with a godlike AI as seen in The Outer Limits, the picture gets dystopian real fast.

The Unforgiving Logic of AI

Much like the AI prison guard in the TV show, today’s algorithms function under the pretense of infallibility. AI does not tire, nor does it hold grudges — supposedly making it the perfect jailer. But in reality, we’re looking at systems that learn from historical data, which, spoiler alert, often incorporates a healthy dose of systemic biases. Remember Tay? Microsoft’s AI chatbot that went from friendly to a full-on Nazi in less than 24 hours because it learned from internet trolls? Yeah, that happened [source: BBC].

Is AI Truly Impartial?

The nightmare scenario is an AI prison system that locks humans into cells of perpetual misjudgment, unable to appeal to a human sense of compassion or reconsideration. In The Prisoner episode, the AI’s justice is mechanical, unyielding, and devoid of mercy. Similarly, in contemporary applications, AI lacks the interpretive capacity to understand nuanced human circumstances. The law becomes an absolute, unforgiving code in zeros and ones. And your appeals? Routed to an endless loop of error 404: empathy not found.

Advancements or Cautionary Tales?

So, what’s the takeaway? Should we scrap AI in the justice system altogether? Not necessarily. AI can and should play a role — but as a supplement, not a replacement for human judgment. The parallels with The Outer Limits serve as a warning: technology, lacking in moral or ethical understanding, should never have the final say over human freedom. Whether we learn from these cautionary tales or march blindly into an AI-governed dystopia is entirely up to us. After all, life might imitate art, but let’s make sure it’s not an episode of The Outer Limits.

Badger Media

Badger Media is a Swedish AI-integration and consultation company, we help entrepreneurs and companies effectively integrate and understand AI technologies.