Gbadamosi Isiaq Tunde
5 min readDec 25, 2017



There are various applications of Virtual Reality in different sectors. We can simply say the usage of Virtual Reality (VR) in the world today is beyond gaming. Industries like Medicine, Education sector, building/real estate industry etc. are exploring the applications of Virtual Reality differently. This project therefore, sums up the application or usage of Virtual Reality in the Health Sector (Medicine).

Unique Considerations

The various usage of VR in the health sector was grossly considered as well as the usability of the VR app by users.


The night at the Museum project is a very interesting and interactive Mobile VR app. The VR app is a totality of comments and iterations during user testing.

Story of the Process

The process of bringing this app into reality include;

a. Statement of Purpose: Night at the Museum is a mobile VR app that affords anybody seeking knowledge about the application of VR in Medicine the opportunity or a platform where they can access the information needed in a fun way.

b. Persona

Kemi, 13, Secondary School Student


Information is power.

I created a persona to help guide through the course of creating the game. The persona was named Kemi.

Kemi is an S. S 2 student in a Nigerian Secondary School. She is in science department and she believes access to information is key to any human endeavour. She practically has no experience in VR. Kemi is on the look out to choose her future career in medicine and surgery but as a secondary school student, she feels she doesn’t have required background knowledge of the field of medicine. More so, she is keen to know how the emerging technology — VR- can help her chosen field.”


A sketch of the Museum Corridor.
A sketch of the “Start” and “Restart” User Interface.

User Testing

1. Scene Setting, Mood and Lighting

The first user test conducted was practically done to be sure of how big (Scale) the Museum corridor was, relative to the size of the player, the lighting and atmosphere of the environment. The mood of the experience was set to night scene with major lights lightening up vital areas of the Museum corridor.

During the user testing at this stage, the lightening and atmosphere of the environment were rated “great”.

Before and after applying lighting

2. Creating a Graphical User Interface

The second stage of user testing was trying to find out the scale, level of information and readability of the user Interface (UI) panel. This turns out that the “User Interface was moderately large in relation to size of the Museum corridor, the text were easily readable and buttons were interactive” by clicking on them.

3. Simulator Movement Testing

Sim sickness results from uneven movement or improper movement in virtual space. In order to avoid this, a test was conducted when movement has been enabled in the Museum experience. The movement into the Museum corridor and out of it were basically tested and movement within the corridor is enabled through waypoints.

Breakdown of the Final Piece

A. Start UI

· The player/user is welcome by a User Interface saying “Welcome to VR Museum”.

· The User Interface provides brief information about the experience that says “This VR app explores various application of Virtual Reality in Health sector”

· This User Interface has a start button.

· The player clicks the button and the user Interface disappears taking the playing into the game area.

B. Play Area:

At the play area;

· The player is again welcome by another UI that has the instruction for successfully exploring the Museum.

· Once the player clicks on continue, the UI disappears.

· Player/user can navigate to any part of the play area with the aid of waypoints.

· Six picture portals were strategically placed on the wall.

· Once the picture is clicked, the text relating to the picture is shown by the side and sound of the text is concurrently played.

· On the last picture portal to the exit, when the text is displayed, there is an “EndTour” button. Once the button is clicked, the player moves out of the play area.

C. Outside the Play Area:

After exploring everything there is to explore;

· The player moves out of the play area.

· The player gets an appreciating message on another UI outside the play area.

· This UI is coupled with an option to restart the game.

· When the restart button is clicked, the player goes back to the starting point of the experience.

Link to the game playing

Next Step

The learning has, so far, been interesting and challenging. This will help in making better VR contents. In short, it can just be better.


Virtual Reality can be regarded as a hot sword that cuts across all sectors with high positive effect.

Link to other VR projects

The colour project (group) which I actively participate goes here;

Write-up of my Puzzler Game;

