Andrew Tate Quotes About Women

2 min readApr 15, 2024


While Andrew Tate has expressed numerous controversial opinions about various topics, including women, it’s important to note that some of his statements have been widely criticized for being derogatory or promoting harmful stereotypes. However, here are 20 quotes attributed to him about women:

1. “Women are like cars. You can get a new one whenever you want, but you always want to keep the old one in good condition in case you need it again.”
2. “A woman’s value is directly proportional to her beauty and femininity.”
3. “The key to understanding women is to realize they’re driven by emotions, not logic.”
4. “Women need to be led. They crave a strong, dominant man to guide them.”
5. “A woman’s loyalty is only as strong as her options.”
6. “Women are biologically programmed to seek out the strongest, most dominant males.”
7. “The modern feminist movement has destroyed women’s understanding of their natural roles and desires.”
8. “Women will always choose the man who offers them the most security and resources.”
9. “A woman’s primary goal in life is to find a man who can provide for her and protect her.”
10. “Women are attracted to men who are unapologetically masculine and confident.”
11. “Feminism has emasculated men and made women resentful of their own nature.”
12. “A woman’s worth is determined by her ability to please and satisfy a man.”
13. “Women are happiest when they are fulfilling their traditional roles as wives and mothers.”
14. “The rise of feminism has led to the decline of femininity and the breakdown of traditional family values.”
15. “Women are more emotional and less rational than men, which makes them unsuitable for leadership roles.”
16. “A woman’s beauty is her most valuable asset. It’s what attracts men and gives her power.”
17. “Women are manipulative by nature. They know how to use their looks and charms to get what they want.”
18. “Women are attracted to men who are successful and ambitious. They want to be with winners.”
19. “The happiest women are those who embrace their femininity and submit to a strong, dominant man.”
20. “Women need to be protected from their own irrational impulses. They require guidance and discipline from men to keep them in line.”

It’s important to approach these quotes critically and consider their implications on gender equality and respect for individuals. Many of these statements promote harmful stereotypes and perpetuate outdated views of gender roles.

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