How many grams of protein per pound of bodyweight?

8 min readJul 1, 2024

Depends on your size, and caloric intake, if you’re on a surplus you can get away with very little protein.

But Is it 4g per pound? 2g per pound? 1g per pound? Should you count at all?

In case you’re in a hurry, let me cut to the chase, and then I’ll go crazy and explain how this shit works.

The average fit dude can get away with as little as ~93g a day, give or take, that’s about 300g of chicken breast a day, and support a SOLID body composition.

If your goal is to optimize hypertrophy like a bodybuilder to eventually look UNGODLY STACKED, it goes a bit higher.

If you’re in a deficit, and you’re below 20%BF — it’s sensible to stick to 1g to 1.5g/per pound of BW.

If you’re in a deficit, and you’re above 20%BF, at maintenance, or in a surplus — you can get away with 0.5g to 1g/per pound of BW.

If you’re bulking HARD, with a big surplus of 500–1000kcal, you don’t need to count at all, you’ll build a lot of muscle.

Alright, now grab a glass of water, and let’s dive deep into this shit.

