What are you doing to dismantle your middle class white privilege when participating in XR protests?

If you are doing nothing and you feel that the impending climate crisis is more important and needs to be prioritised over inclusion of all, then you are a climate colonialist.

9 min readOct 10, 2019

Firstly, we know that multiple activists of different marginalised intersectionalities have given a huge amount of labour to XR for free already, and have been working with XR to help them solve their problems with intersectionality and inclusivity. But we also know that some have been asked by XR to provide labour, resources and even food for free from BAME organisations.

Many amazing activists of colour, working class activists and disabled activists are still participants and supporters of XR. This is by no means an attack on them, or an attack on XR. But before this argument is brought up, I’d like to state explicitly that having marginalised people in your movement, does not make it inclusive — just as you having a Pakistani friend does not make you above being racist or participating in racist activities. And just as your Pakistani friend telling me that you’re not a racist, and that you’re really a good guy, doesn’t mean that you’re not capable of benefitting from and perpetuating colonialism.

Now onto the big question: Are XR climate colonialists? With XR’s current approach, many marginalised…

