YouTube Videos That Changed My View of Life (Kind Of)

Bagas Pratama
5 min readJul 30, 2024


This is what I always recommend to a friend or anyone basically if they were asking for a youtube video recommendations. There were no particular topic or order, I just found these videos are worth watching and basically amongst the best in my opinion. Why four? I don’t know thats just what comes into my mind when I'm writing this :D So let’s get started, shall we?

1. What Game Theory Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything

“Axelrod’s experiments highlights a common misconception. Because for many people when they think about winning, they think they need to beat the other person, in games like chess or poker this is true. Since one person’s gain is other person’s loss, So this game is a zero sum. But most of life is not zero sum. To win you don’t need to get your reward from other player.”-Derek Muller

Game Theory had been one of my favorite topics while undergone classes in my major. It is one of the main topics in Operation Research lecture. The video literally shows me the idea of the concept itself being implemented in a way that I can’t never imagine.

Axelrod’s Tournament Mechanism (Source: Veritasium)

Basically the video tells us about Axelrod’s Tournament, which is a tournament held by a professor, Robert Axelrod that invites a number of famous game theorist to create and sumbit a strategy that they run on a computer. The tournament itself based on prisoner’s dilemma where the strategies they create can consist a series of command for cooperate or defect. The strategies then played against each other repeteadly.

Axelrod’s Tournament Score (Source: Veritasium)

Derek serve the video in an unimaginable way, linking a theoretical matter like the Axelrod’s tournament and stuff, into a valuablelife lesson. This always has been the best video i’ve ever watched on YouTube and you should too.

2. Europe’s North Korea

Dictatorship and a self isolation country. It is a story about Albania that was once ruled by one for forty-one years.

I never been nearly good or knowing about europe’s modern history, all I know is just the thing that they teach at school, World War I and II, The Cold War, Nazi Germany, etc. This video actually given me something new and I actually think this will never be taught at school.

Party of Labour of Albania (PLA) Hierarchy (Source: IMPERIAL)

Albania, before adopting parlimentary was undergone communist regime. After the germans retreat in 1944, there was a vacuum of power which is seen by The PLA, led by Enver Hoxha rise and dominate the country with his political cleansing campaign which he liquidated all the opposing political opponent. Hoxha reigns for 44 years where he killed founding party members so they can’t undermine his authority — and even kill his childhood best friend.

IMPERIAL did well covering this topic that he can delivers all the small detail and the hidden history of the country’s self isolation and the problem it caused. One of the most interesting chapters in this video is “The Block”, as they separate all the party members and the common folks, with different building and facility that they have and they can only enjoy amongst themselves.

3. Basics with Babish

This is actually not a singular video, it’s a playlist starting from getting to know your kitchen tools, ways to cook your eggs until making your own risotto.

Babish showing a different type of knives (Source: Binging With Babish)

We all know binging with babish, one of the most popular cooking channel on YouTube, I actually grew up watching him. I even watch him on ramadhan. As we can see, the shots seem very clean, the way he explaining things is very concise and easy to understand. Hence why I recommending this video playlist.

4. World’s Poorest Country ‘Burundi’

“The country is like a tree loses its leaf month after month. People here are hoping that spring will come, but at the heart of africa humanity hasn’t come out of problems yet.” -Ruhi Çenet

A documentary about the 62 — years — streak poorest country in the world, Burundi. The average person in there working all the hours god sends to get paid 50 cents a day.

One of the common occupation in Burundi, which is a transporter (source: Ruhi Çenet)

Eight people in one small house with no bed, with the household income of 30.000 BIF ($10 a month), death by starvation is common, having a bicycle is a luxury as they usually carried faming product for 9 hours. If a person does not have a bicycle, they usually carried the products in their back, daylight bribery, and many more. Those things are unbelievable.

Entire clothes collection of a Burundian (source: Ruhi Çenet)

Ruhi potrays it well in this documentary, he delivered multiple perspective since he was interviewing civilians, merchants and others with multiple backgrounds. I am not from a first world country but this video literally changed my perspective on what is poverty and tell me a lesson for being grateful.


These videos in my opinion are life-changing as they change my way of thinking, way of doing things, my way of viewing life and I personally enjoyed it so much and consider it a high quality content.

The Links

What Game Theory Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything by Veritasium

Europe’s North Korea by IMPERIUM

Basics with Babish by Babish Culinary Universe

World’s Poorest Country ‘Burundi’ by Ruhi Çenet

