Airflow Architecture: A Deep Dive into Data Pipeline Orchestration

Bageshwar Kumar
4 min readJul 17, 2023


Apache Airflow’s architecture plays a vital role in its ability to manage and automate complex data pipelines. Understanding the key components and their interactions within Airflow will provide a comprehensive view of its inner workings. Let’s take a detailed dive into the architecture of Airflow.

Components of Airflow Architecture:

1. Scheduler:
The scheduler is a critical component of Airflow. Its primary function is to continuously scan the DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) directory to identify and schedule tasks based on their dependencies and specified time intervals. The scheduler is responsible for determining which tasks to execute and when. It interacts with the metadata database to store and retrieve task state and execution information.

2. Metadata Database:
Airflow leverages a metadata database, such as PostgreSQL or MySQL, to store all the configuration details, task states, and execution metadata. The metadata database provides persistence and ensures that Airflow can recover from failures and resume tasks from their last known state. It also serves as a central repository for managing and monitoring task execution.

3. Web Server:
The web server component provides a user interface for interacting with Airflow. It enables users to monitor task execution, view the status of DAGs, and access logs and other operational information. The web server communicates with the metadata database to fetch relevant information and presents it in a user-friendly manner. Users can trigger manual task runs, monitor task progress, and configure Airflow settings through the web server interface.

4. Executors:
Airflow supports different executor types to execute tasks. The executor is responsible for allocating resources and running tasks on the specified worker nodes. The two primary executor types in Airflow are:

a. Sequential Executor: The sequential executor executes tasks sequentially on a single worker node. It is useful for local development and testing scenarios where parallelism is not a requirement.

b. Distributed Executors: Airflow also supports distributed executors like the Celery Executor and the Kubernetes Executor. These executors distribute task execution across multiple worker nodes or containers, enabling parallel processing of tasks.

5. Worker Nodes:
Worker nodes are responsible for executing the tasks assigned to them by the executor. They retrieve the task details, dependencies, and code from the metadata database and execute the tasks accordingly. The number of worker nodes can be scaled up or down based on the workload and resource requirements.

6. Message Queue:
Airflow relies on a message queue system, such as RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, or Redis, to enable communication between the scheduler and the worker nodes. The scheduler places task execution requests in the message queue, and the worker nodes pick up these requests, execute the tasks, and update their status back to the metadata database. The message queue acts as a communication channel, ensuring reliable task distribution and coordination.

7. DAGs and Tasks:
DAGs are at the core of Airflow’s architecture. A DAG is a directed graph consisting of interconnected tasks. Each task represents a unit of work within the data pipeline. Tasks can have dependencies on other tasks, defining the order in which they should be executed. Airflow uses the DAG structure to determine task dependencies, schedule task execution, and track their progress.

Each task within a DAG is associated with an operator, which defines the type of work to be performed. Airflow provides a rich set of built-in operators for common tasks like file operations, data processing, and database interactions. Additionally, custom operators can be created to cater to specific requirements.

Tasks within a DAG can be triggered based on various events, such as time-based schedules, the completion of other tasks, or the availability of specific data.

Architectural Flow:

1. DAG Definition and Registration:
Developers define DAGs by writing Python scripts that describe the tasks and their dependencies. These scripts typically reside in the DAGs directory. Once the DAGs are defined, Airflow scans the directory to detect and register them in the metadata database. The scheduler uses this registered information to determine when and how to execute the tasks within the DAGs.

2. Task Scheduling:
The scheduler continuously checks the registered DAGs and their dependencies to identify which tasks are ready for execution. It takes into account factors like time-based schedules, dependencies on other tasks, and data availability. The scheduler places the task execution requests in the message queue, ensuring that worker nodes can pick them up for execution.

3. Task Execution:
Worker nodes retrieve the task execution requests from the message queue. They fetch the necessary task details, code, and dependencies from the metadata database and execute the tasks accordingly. The worker nodes update the task execution status in the metadata database, providing visibility into task progress and completion.

4. Monitoring and Logging:
The web server component interacts with the metadata database to fetch task execution information, logs, and other operational details. Users can monitor task progress, view logs, and gain insights into the overall pipeline execution through the web server interface. Airflow’s logging mechanism captures logs from each task execution, providing a centralized view for troubleshooting and monitoring.


Apache Airflow’s architecture revolves around the concepts of DAGs, tasks, and their dependencies. With the scheduler, metadata database, web server, executors, worker nodes, and message queue working together, Airflow offers a powerful and flexible framework for managing and orchestrating data pipelines. Understanding the architecture of Airflow empowers users to leverage its capabilities effectively, ensuring efficient data processing and automation within their organizations.

To explore more about Airflow’s architecture and get hands-on experience, refer to the official documentation: [Airflow Documentation](

