Choosing the Best Tool for the Job: R vs Python for Economic and Econometric Analysis

Mission Bahago
2 min readMar 31, 2023


R and Python are both popular programming languages for data analysis and statistical computing, including economic and econometric analysis. Both languages have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them often depends on personal preferences and specific project requirements.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing between R and Python for economic or econometric analysis:

  1. Statistical packages
    R has been developed specifically for statistical computing and has a vast number of statistical packages available, including packages for time-series analysis, regression modeling, panel data analysis, and more. Some of the most popular packages for econometrics in R are “plm”, “lfe”, “lmer”, “mgcv”, “dplyr”, “tidyr”, and “ggplot2”. Python, on the other hand, has gained popularity in the data science community due to its versatility, but it still lags behind R in terms of specialized statistical packages. However, packages like “statsmodels”, “pandas”, and “numpy” offer extensive support for econometric analysis.
  2. Data manipulation
    Data manipulation is a crucial part of any data analysis project, and both R and Python provide various packages for this purpose. R offers packages like “dplyr” and “tidyr” that provide easy-to-use functions for data cleaning, filtering, reshaping, and aggregation. Python’s “pandas” package is also popular for data manipulation tasks.
  3. Visualization
    Data visualization is another critical aspect of data analysis, allowing us to better understand patterns and trends in our data. R has a strong suite of visualization packages, including “ggplot2”, which is known for its versatility and aesthetics. Python’s “matplotlib” and “seaborn” are also powerful tools for data visualization.
  4. Learning curve
    The learning curve for R and Python is relatively steep, especially for those who have little or no programming experience. However, R is often considered more accessible to non-programmers, thanks to its focus on statistical analysis and easy-to-read syntax. Python, on the other hand, has a more general-purpose focus and can be used for a wide range of applications.
  5. Community and resources
    Both R and Python have active and supportive communities, with a wealth of online resources and tutorials available. R has the advantage of having been developed specifically for statistical analysis, making it easier to find resources and support for econometric analysis.

In conclusion, both R and Python have their strengths and weaknesses for economic and econometric analysis. R has a more specialized focus on statistical analysis, making it an excellent choice for those who need to perform more complex econometric analyses. However, Python’s versatility and growing popularity in the data science community make it a strong contender, especially for those who need to integrate their analysis with machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. Ultimately, the choice between R and Python depends on your specific needs and preferences.



Mission Bahago

Passionate about research, data analysis, policy, sustainable development, and visual art.