How to Budget & Save Money In College

Brianna Heard
4 min readMay 1, 2020

By: Brianna Heard

By the end of this post, you will learn how to save money and budget your expenses. As a college student myself there are many useful tips that will help you save more. Many things go into account when managing your expenses and trying to save more. One of those things is creating a budget. Budgeting is key to wanting to save money and managing expenses like rent, cable bills, food, grocery shopping, and other important bills that will factor into your daily living. Now let me teach you how to manage and save your money so you can keep some of that extra money in your pocket.

The first thing you want to do is create a budget because it’s very important to do because you’re going to need this budget if you want to save money. For a budget, you must take at least 30% of your monthly income to go into the account of your budget. In your budget make sure to include some of your expenses mentioned above in the first paragraph. There are also great apps that can help you make a budget. For, example the Dave Ramsey App is a great one for people who are new to budgeting.

The next step is to try to keep everything organized when you’re doing your budget. Try to get a binder with all your budgeting worksheets, Here’s a link to one…

