Bonus 01: Tera’s Game Night

10 min readDec 16, 2020


Author’s note: There was an attempt to create a Bodymod Literary Universe with a few other authors. The only problem was that I was the only one writing stories. So, my dear reader, this is a tale that includes women of all shapes.

As usual, it’s silly and romantic.

Alicia rang the doorbell of the Smith Residence. She was struggling to hold the two bottles of wine and a crockpot in her arms. Thankfully Helen wasn’t long in answering.

“Alicia! So glad you came!”

“Hi Helen,” she tried readjusting her load.

“Oh dear, let me get those for you!” She took the wine and looked at the label, “Oh! This is that winery just north of town. You shouldn’t have!”

“I have a membership, don’t worry about it!” Alicia followed Helen to the kitchen. “Could I plug this in somewhere?”

Helen cleared a spot on the counter for the crockpot. “Oh my GOD that smells amazing, what is it?”

“Chili… but I experimented a bit. Chicken, white beans, fennel, and some artichoke to make it tangy. I hope you like it! Oh, hi Tera! I didn’t see you there.”

“Hey lady!” Tera was soaking in her plastic jug on the other side of the kitchen. “That DOES smell great. I wish I still had a stomach!”

Helen asked, “Mind if I try?” Alicia nodded and Helen took some in a spoon. It was delicious. “Mmmm, shatsh SHO good! Tera! Want a taste?” Tera nodded as well as she could-a difficult task when one’s head is rested on the lip of a large plastic container. Helen drew some of the broth into the spoon and carefully brought it to Tera’s mouth.

She licked it and smacked her lips. “Holy shit! Too bad I can’t eat anymore, I’m missing out!” Alicia was all smiles. We’ve got guests in the living room, but we’re expecting a couple more.”

Helen added, “I’ll introduce you! Tera will join us in a moment.”

“Girls?” Shouted Tera, “Put me back on! I wanna show my friend!” She closed her eyes and moaned. “Oh shit… uhhnnnn. So fucking good.”

As Helen led Alicia to the living room, she saw a few others present, but all of the attention was on the spectacle in the corner.

There was a brass pole mounted on a base, it stood about four feet tall, and a taur woman was pushing Tera’s half-torso down its length. Tera’s cries echoed in the other part of the house. They were laden with expletives.

The humantaur was definitely excited to have this job. Once Tera’s body was at the base of the pole she hollered, “OK Tera! Ready?”

“Y-yeah, I just need… a sec.” A few moments later, “OK… here we go!”

Alicia could see Tera’s body twitching slightly. It was strange seeing a pole passing through her, but she definitely had the body for it. It moved. To Alicia’s surprise, Tera’s abbreviated form inched upwards. Then again… and again.

After climbing half way, she slowly bobbed it up and down. Until it came to a stop. “Am I doing it?”

“No, sweetie,” answered Helen.

“Shit! What about now?” Tera’s body slowly began rotating on the pole. Everyone in the room cheered. Alicia was dumbfounded.

“Good job, hun!” Helen clapped.

“Yayyy! OK get me off before I pass out!”

Helen grabbed her wife’s bum and gently pulled her off of the pole. She muttered, “Usually she passes out when I get her off,” and playfully kissed Tera’s penis. That got some laughs. She rested Tera’s body on the frame she had designed and left to grab her wife’s head.

The humantaur approached, “You must be Alicia! I’m Christine, pleased to meet you!” They shook hands. She was a gorgeous, petite woman with dark hair and slender features. Her two pairs of culottes looked cute on her.

“It’s good to meet you too. So… how do you all know each other?”

“Mod support group. I’ll introduce you.”

There was Lynne, a hemi amputee who was wearing a casual tee that bunched up on the couch where her body ended. She had tan skin and black hair. “Hi Alicia,” she waved from her seat.

Judith, a potgirl-of which Alicia had heard of, but never met in person. She wore glasses and had long brown hair which rested on the coffee table. The pot was fascinating, green with bronze trim. Sections had been removed to expose her breasts and vagina. Tied around the neck of the vase was a rad bow. “Hello.”

“And that over there is Alice, she’s new to the group.” Alice waved a metal hand, sullenly. It was bulky and awkward looking; nothing like the prostheses Alicia was used to seeing. Her right foot was equally cumbersome. It looked like something from a production robot, and was dented in one place.

“I like your name, Alice.” Alicia smiled to her. Alice merely nodded and looked back down at the floor.

“We’re expecting one more!” Christine put her hands on her front hips, “Then it’s Gaaaaaaame Night!”

Helen returned with Tera, who was placed in her frame. It was a stirrup that supported her head and let her dickneck dangle inches above her body. For Tera it was a comfort to have a place to rest her neck and still be close to the rest of her. The proximity was reassuring. She was nude; no one seemed to care.

Tera reached up with her penis using her neck muscles. Helen took it in her hand and leaned over to kiss her lovingly on the lips. They remained like that, simply smiling to each other for a few moments. Alicia loved their relationship, and often found herself helping them individually with surprises for the other.


Helen gave Tera’s dickneck a quick squeeze and broke her gaze to get the door. “Tiaaaaaaa! Come in!”

Alicia watched as Helen bent over to hug the person outside. In walked Tia. Essentially she was half a person. Below her head and neck we her hips and legs-no upper torso nor arms to speak of. She wore capri yoga pants, which showed off her shapely lower body. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun. “Sorry I’m late! Class went longer than I’d hoped!”

Helen helped with Tia’s shoulder bag. “Not at all! Alicia just got here too. Oh yeah! Alicia, this is a friend of mine from yoga. Alicia is Tera’s home care professional.”

“A pleasure meeting you,” Alicia reached to shake Tia’s ha- “Oh gosh, um!”

“It’s OK, happens all the time. We’ll shake after I’ve washed my feet. Oh Helen, do you mind if I…?”

“Not at all. Our tub is the third door on the left.” Helen smiled as Tia kicked off her shoes and socks, then made her way down the hall. “Oh! Towels are below the sink!”

Alicia was visibly uncomfortable and Christine approached. “Hey, it’s OK. These sorts of things happen to us all the time. The important thing is that wasn’t intentional right? And we have to start somewhere.”

Tera spoke up from the other end of the room. “Alicia, you have been awesome since day one! You’ve never treated me any differently than anyone else!” She added sheepishly, “Even when I have, uh, accidents all over you.” One of the girls snickered.

Helen put a hand on her shoulder. “There you have it. Welcome to the crew! Let’s eat!”

They piled into the kitchen, Tia returned and extended a foot up to Alicia. They shook and Tia said, “Now it’s official,” with a smile.

They loaded up with food and ate in the dining room. Alicia carried Tera in, followed by Christine who brought Judith. The potgirl didn’t eat; she was fed a solution through a straw. Tera didn’t eat either, but was placed in her body so she could suck the penis at the base of her pelvis. No one paid any mind to that, it was her usual mealtime activity. Sometimes her dick would pop out of her mouth as she chimed in on a topic.

Helen spent most of the time chatting with Tia and Lynne. Tera couldn’t hear what was said, and she’d never admit it aloud, but she was feeling a little jealous. Tia was a lot like her except she had legs. Helen liked going to yoga and hikes with her. She’s like a better me, Tera thought to herself. She sulked as she stared at her wife from afar.

“Alice,” said the potgirl, flatly. “You’re spilling.”

Alice looked down to see that her mechanical hand was spinning in its socket, the glass she held was now empty, as water spread on table before her. “Oh no, sorry! Umm…” She pulled back her sleeve, revealing more of her artificial arm. “Sometimes I have to turn it off and on again.” The spinning stopped. She hit the toggle again and flexed her segmented fingers. The servos controlling them were noisy. “Sorry about that, Mrs. Smith…”

Helen cheerfully helped Alice sop up the puddle. “It’s only water, everything’s fine!”

The conversations resumed, and once again Tera saw her wife lean over as Tia whispered something in her ear. Helen burst out laughing, “NO! In the middle of class?!” She placed her hand on Tia’s leg as she laughed. Tera was livid.

Dinner wrapped up, and Helen guided their guests back to the living room with Tera in her arms. “Hun,” whispered Helen, “Want to sneak out for a quickie?”

“I can’t stop you,” Tera replied, flatly.

“Hey, what’s got you like that all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?”

“Did Tia get you all hot at dinner?”


“Yeah, you’ve got a reduced girl with legs that go all the way up to Heaven… practically drooling all over you. I bet she’d be a great lay.”

“Whoa-ho-ho! I have no idea where this came from all of a sudden. I’ll be right back, we’re definitely resolving this.” She set Tera on the bed and left. Moments later she returned. “Tera, you are my wife and I love you. Only you.”

“Why did you sit me all the way at the other side of the room, then? So I could just sit there and suck my ding-dong like a chump, while you feel up your friend?”

Helen sat on the bed. “Let me explain. Lynne has been single for a while and hasn’t really met anyone she likes. Tia was divorced and has been in the dumps ever since.” She leaned in conspiratorially. “Tera, I’m trying to hook them up.”

“I-Shit.. Helen I’m so sorry! I feel like an idiot.”

“Hmmm well it IS kinda hot seeing you get jealous over me. My little sex toy wife, getting territorial. There’s a way you can make it uuuuup to meeee.” She pointed at the visible bulge in her jeans. “Maybe use some of your new skills out on my pole?”

“Gawd you’re so fucking hot. Hurry!” Tera was dripping wet at this point. Even being removed from her body was getting her close. Helen yanked her pants and undies off and her long hard dick sprang out.

“I want both of you, right now.” She laid on her back and guided Tera’s dickneck inside her vagina. She then lowered her wife’s compact body onto her penis. She gabbed Tera’s head with her hands and began pumping her in and out.

Tera, meanwhile, used her vaginal muscles to raise and lower herself on the foot long cock. She was really proud of her ability to actively fuck her wife; being inside Helen, AND having Helen inside her at the same time was delicious. Helen pumped in time with Tera’s motions and soon they were close.

“Fuck, fuck, ohhhhh fuck!” Tera shouted as all four of her sexual organs fired at once. Helen was right there with her and the couple climaxed in a blissful moment of passion and love.

Helen took Tera to the master bathroom and quickly rinsed both of them in the shower, got dressed and sheepishly returned to the party. The girls had already started a game. Christine noticed their return and asked, with a wry grin, “Huh, what took you too so long?”

“Phone call.”


They looked at each other quickly and blushed.

“You two are hopeless. Helen… You’re wearing different clothes, you horn-dog!”

“Shit!” Helen hadn’t been thinking. “I uhhh-”

“You uhhh, married a sex toy. No one cares, I’m just having fun with ya!” Christine and the girls were all smiles. They joined in with the others.

Tera and Helen occasionally met each other’s gaze and grinned. I’m pretty damn lucky, Tera thought to herself. As the night wore on, she was pleased to see Lynne and Tia hitting it off. Lynne was getting a little swishy with the wine and kept putting her arms around Tia, who blushed and smiled.

As their guests packed up and made their goodbye’s, Helen wanted to make sure Lynne got home safely. “I’ll get her,” said Tia. “My place isn’t far.”

Helen helped Lynne climb up on Tia’s hips. “You know,” Helen said with a grin, “You two look good together.”

“Two halves make a whole?” Tia flexed her legs a couple times, adjusting to the weight. “I hope so. I really hope so.”

With everyone gone, Helen stripped to her t-shirt and undies, took Tera’s head on her lap, and her body next to her on the couch. They watched the news as Helen idly fingered her wife’s neck hole.

Typical couple stuff.

