Vivaan Baid
4 min readOct 19, 2022
Photo by Clayton Cardinalli on Unsplash

Imagine. Its freshman year at college, you have no friends, no knowledge about the party scene and you want to go to invite-only frat parties.

Now stop imagining, because thats you today and me — an year ago.

I have detailed a 4 step method + a bonus step to increase your chances of sneaking into a frat party without knowing anyone or having bands. Follow this plan and you too will reap the benefits of the amazing girl to guy ratio inside those parties.

Here it is:

1) Get the Location of the party

Photo by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash

Of course this is the most important step because without this knowledge, you might as well jerk yourself off to sleep.

You can achieve this in two ways.

Firstly, You can either step out on campus at around 9:30Pm and wait until a group going to a frat party passes you(You’ll know by how they’re dressed and how drunk they are), then just stop them and ask. Simple.

Or if you lack the self confidence to do so, you can choose the ‘creepy’ way and just follow them covertly.

PRO TIP: Do not do this if the group consists just of girls.

2) Know the names of people who have bands

Not much to be said here, just do it. You’ll understand why soon.

3) Dress to impress

Photo by Grigore Ricky on Unsplash

I know you’re a fraud and so do you but the frat bros should not.

Observe what people that are going to the party are wearing and wear something similar. Frat parties have themes and being dressed to the theme will help you blend in.

Do not show up in fucking shorts and a t-shirt with whatever uni you go to written on it. If you do, do not expect your lame ass to get in.

3) Upon Arrival at the party

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Uber/walk to the location and don’t complain about the money because thats the price you pay for not having friends. Deal with it.

Do not arrive right in front of the party, instead, stop a few minutes before and scope out the area from afar. Standing right in front of the venue without a band is a death wish, don’t fucking do it.

4) Getting in

Photo by Craig Tidball on Unsplash

Now that you’ve scoped out the area, you should know if the venue has any other sneaky entrances or if the guy on door is actually paying attention to whose wearing bands.

If there are any sneaky back entrances, which most frat houses generally have, try going through them.

If there are no entrances like that, spot a large group of girls entering and just walk in with them. If you walk in with 10 females, chances are that your hands won’t even be checked for a band and if they ask you for your name, just say someones name from step 2 — since they’re on the list.

One more thing, enter and walk like you own the fucking party, have the utmost confidence. Confidence is key to getting in.

5) Bonus Step

Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

If you have some friends who are girls, it gets much easier.

Just tell the girls to walk in, no one ever stops girls — with or without bands. Once they are in, just ask them to flirt with some fucker inside the party and bring out his band for you. Done.

Once you’re in, its not about the hot chicks or the cheap alcohol its about having fu…

Im kidding, it is.