Bail Bond Biz
3 min readDec 14, 2015

Basic Information You Need to Know About Bail Bonds

There will be certain cases where people will get arrested and once they are, it will surely be a devastating experience, especially if the person being accused is innocent. When suspects are called out for further interrogation, they will be offered their Miranda rights and allow them to stay silent until they have contacted or are represented by their legal lawyers, handcuffed and will then be taken to jail. There will be processes as soon as they arrive in jail. Photographs will be taken as well as their fingerprints. As soon as everything will be completed, the suspect will then become a prisoner. But there are certain cases where suspects are offered with immediate bail, however, it will depend greatly on how serious the case is.

One case suggests that the defendant will be held in custody until further notice or until the defendant will be brought at court before a judge at a bail hearing, that is if the defendant’s case is a major one. During the hearing, the judge will review every case possible and will decide from there, whether or not the defendant will be qualified for release and if the cases suggest that they are eligible for such release, and how much should the defendant pay. As soon as the price is given, then the defendant could just pay the amount and get out of the jail on that very same day. But on the other hand, if the case is really serious, then the defendant won’t be able to just pay off the price but will most likely be forced to obtain bail bonds.

Bad boy bail bonds are some type of insurance policy that will secure that the defendant will show up on the said court date. In most cases, people who are accused of such crime will be set on a scheduled time and day where they will meet with the judge and as a form of insurance policy, bonding is implemented to secure that the defendant will show up on the said date. Because there are just so many accused that face such major cases, businesses from all over the world has taken the advantage of lending these accused individuals to cover such costs.

Businesses and companies who lend money for these individuals who deal in bail bonds act the same as the rest of the lending companies where they will charge interest rate but there’s a catch to the interest rates that will be implemented. The rates will most likely depend on the amount of loan as well as the criminal history of the defendant. Generally speaking, a bond is charged at a rate of ten percent to make it fairly reasonable for everyone who are engaged in bail bonds. To sum up, the explanation said in this article should at least give you a heads up about the basic understanding of how the bail bond works. Visit the bad boy bail bonds agency website for more facts.