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31 Republican questions about Covid-19 answered.

7 min readMay 21, 2020


Been seeing a lot of people posting these questions on social media about Covid-19 so I decided to answer them.

Here we go…

1. Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl’s?
Kohls just opened 34 stores. Go to one of those.

2. Why the Dollar store and not a mom-and-pop shop?
Maybe the mom and pop shop is staying closed because their customer base is so small they know they would be losing more money to open with no customers than it would be to remain closed with no customers? You literally put a well known store chain against a no named mom-and-pop shop in your question. Maybe the fact the mom and pop isn’t a brand name is why they’re still closed.

3. Why can’t you have an elective surgery, but you can have an abortion which is elective?
Not all abortions are elective but all elective surgeries are elective. Stop with this dumb shit notion that people are running around willy-nilly killing babies. Us blue folks love babies as much as you red folks but we don’t want to be parents. Sometimes condoms don’t work. Maybe having the baby will kill the mom and I’d prefer to keep my wife over losing the child I never met when he was a dozen cells big. Have an abortion if you want it, don’t if you don’t. God respects both of those life choices; I asked him.

4. Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus?
You can go outside… just wear a mask. It’s a pretty fucking simple concept.

5. Why can’t kids (who are not at risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus?
Because kids are dirty and gross. Yeah your kid might not be at risk but his parents or grandma might be and if Covid-19 is on the playground your kid is gunna stick his sticky little fingers in it and then rub those sticky fingers all over your grandmas face. Think of your grandma. THINK OF YOUR GRANDMA!

6. Why don’t people know that these are “recommendations” not laws because they have not gone through due process?
Because people are dumb or lazy or only wanna hear what they want. Take your pick.

7. Why is it okay for government officials to get a haircut, but not common citizens?
Maybe they’re a bunch of reality tv stars terrified that people will know they are bald and use ungodly amounts of spray tan.

8. Why the fear, when this virus has a less than 1% death rate?There are 350,000,000 million Americans. If 1% (you’re number not mine) of them die that means 3,500,000 Americans are gone. I don’t want 3.5 million Americans to die if we can prevent it. I in return ask, why are you so cool with that many people dying?

9. Why have coroners questioned death certificates listed as CV-19?
A coroner’s job is to question the cause of death. Have you ever gotten a second opinion from a doctor, do they ever agree on the severity or solution to your issue?

10. Why are areas like Chicago and NY gearing up for mass vaccination?
Because they got fucking rocked pretty hard by this thing. If I was a professional football player and I took a gnarly hit I might take 2 seconds and look into “how can I prevent this from happening again cause it fucking sucked”.

11. What makes one person essential and another not?
#alllivesmatter but #allnurses are super important right now. Same as it was when black people were getting killed by police, “all lives matter but right now a bunch of black people are getting killed by police for no reason and that’s super important right now”.

12. Doesn’t shelter at home; mean there is a whole population of people, not staying home so we can?
It means there is a whole population of people out there trying to replace all the toilet paper you greedy mother fucker took from the grocery store so us “only take what we need people” can finally get more than a “this is gunna last like a week” amount.

13. Why are they dividing us?
By “they” do you mean “Trump”? He’s doing that because he realizes if you, the American public, is in a proper fighting stance, arms up, eyes fully focused on your opponent, that your pockets are super easier to pick.

14. How do people not know that we are a Republic, not a democracy?Because Republicans gutted the shit out of education to make sure we don’t know anything so they can keep us ignorant so they can keep exploiting us because ignorant people are easier to take advantage of.

15. Where has the flu gone?
The same place Covid went; it never left the sick peoples house because they coughed in their own house instead of all over my avocados at the grocery store. Social distancing works.

16. Why do the homeless consistently demonstrate the lowest infection rates?
Because people have always “social distanced” themselves from homeless people. When’s the last time you talked to a homeless person?

17. Why are they telling us to mask up after 2 months of lockdown
Because the people who were coughing in their homes are now starting to cough in the street because we have people telling them it’s O.K. to do so.

18. Why is the CDC saying kids need to be masked when they return to school or attend church, when they know cloth masks restrict oxygen?
** See question 5; “Kids are dirty as fuck”.

19. What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our kids and to us?
What did concentration camps do for the Jews? What did internment camps do for Asian Americans? What did the inability to vote do for Women? Did slavery have an effect on African Americans? Oh wait, this was a real question about how “wearing a mask and ‘stay at home if you can’” is about oppression? This is a question from someone who’s never been oppressed.

“What will it do to the mental health of our kids” is a real question and the answer is, it will show them that if you work together as a family, neighborhood, community, city, state, and country you can accomplish amazing things like not letting 3.5 million American’s die who didn’t need to die.

20. Why have most other death rates dropped since the virus?
** See question 15; “If there are less people around when I throw a rock less people are probably gunna get hit by that rock”.

21. Why did world leaders meet in China in October 2019?
Why did the McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy’s guy go to the Las Vegas burger convention in May 2016? Because their job is burgers and a burger convention is a logical place to meet. They meet everywhere all the time. But if you’re dying to know then go ask Trump; I’m sure he’ll tell you why Obama wasn’t there.

** I should clarify I am unsure if there was a Las Vegas burger convention in May of 2016.

22. Why are the common people being controlled by the government and no one is controlling the government?
It’s called voting… more people should do it.

23. Why are hospitals paid more for Covid 19 deaths?
Maybe the government is helping them cover the unexpected costs of a pandemic… like a government should? Is this even true by the way? It feels fake.

24. Why are some doctors speaking out and then getting silenced?
Which one offends you more, the silencing of doctors who are saying “3.5 Million of your fellow Americans could die from this” or the silencing of doctors who are saying, “Covid isn’t that bad… people need to go back to shopping”?

25. Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab $334 million dollars?
Oh, I know this joke. Because he’s black?

26. What does a computer geek have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion corona virus vaccines?
Ah, I haven’t heard this joke before. Why does a computer geek have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion corona virus vaccines? Wait, is this about Bill gates? I know the answer… it’s because he and his wife are super fucking smart, super fucking good at finding outside of the box solutions to super fucking complex problems, and super fucking hell bent on doing good shit for the people of this earth before they super fucking die and have an idea they super fucking want to explore.

27. Why ID 2020, Agenda
Oh, you’re still on that ID 2020 Agenda. Bro, I’m on the ID 2021 Agenda. Get with it or get out of the way.

28. Why did the CDC have a job posting for pandemic relief workers in November 2019?
Because Trump fucked up the CDC and people incharge of “keeping an eye on the potential for a pandemic”, aka the CDC, saw an iceberg in the distance.

29. Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a “ SURPRISE PANDEMIC “ and then runs the pandemic team?
Would you prefer someone with no pandemic experience? It seems like the guy who has studied pandemics for a long fucking time, and predicted this one, might be the first one you tap should said pandemic arise? This question is like asking, “for the basketball team you were building… why did you pick Labron James when you knew a championship would be played one day”?

30. Why are they infringing on Christians religious freedoms?
Why are the Christians always trying to infringe on my fucking rights? I hear this all the time that by letting people do what they want it’s somehow causing Christians to not be able to do what they want. But that’s the secret, Christians want people to do what they want, they’re just not man enough (or woman enough) to admit it. No one is forcing them to get abortions or not shop at Hobby Lobby. Live and let live I say.

31. Why can 500 people shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot, but we are not allowed to go into a church building?
When your toilet backs up after your whole family shitting in the same toilet at a violent rate where are you going to go to fix that, “The Church” or “Home Depot”?

