Artist of the Week; JR

Bailey Gilmore
3 min readJul 13, 2018


About the Artist; Background information

JR is a French artist and photographer with eye catching works that have a large meaning behind them. Some of his best known works are black and white photo images set in public places. He uses his work to challenge preconceptions held by society and the media to bring attention and light to different matters. His pieces highlight freedom, different limits, and identity around the world. He started as a graffiti artist as a teen and has gone on to change the world so much so, that he won the 2011 TED prize and used the money to start another project in hopes of changing the world.

Formal Analysis; Description of Work

On both sides of the border, with one eye on each side, a black and white painting resides of someones eyes. The border cuts down the middle, right where a nose would be. People stand, and sit, on both sides of the painting to share lunch and music together. The full painting can only be seen from a birds eye view. I can only imagine how intricate the detailing is when being so close up. Every line, eyelash, and detail is perfectly captured in the image.

Content Analysis; Meaning Behind the Work

President Trump rescinded the DACA program in September, therefore leaving a 6 month window to figure out what to do with 800,000 children. These children are considered dreamers, since they were brought to the US as undocumented citizen when they were only small children. The project is titled The Eyes of the Dreamer, to bring light to this large group of citizens. The placement of this work between both sides of the US and Mexico border, with one eye on each side, emphasizes the matter at hand. A picnic was held around the installation on both sides of the border, where everyone enjoyed the same music and food, showing that we are all so similar, no matter what country we come from.

Synthesis; My Opinion

In my opinion, this piece of art shows how similar we all are. The only thing that truly separates us is our borders. I love how there was a picnic and the art was used as a picnic table for everyone. A live band played on both sides of the border and everyone shared the same food and drinks. It’s amazing when you see people come together to make a stand and show their compassion towards one another. The name of the artwork, The Eyes of the Dreamer, shows that these children are from both sides of the border, and hope for a better future. Even though they are on the US side, they may be sent back because of a wall, and our presidents lack of compassion. This has been my favorite artist, and piece of art, that I have researched during this course!

