Sister Missions: Loreto Baja California Sur and Ventura California

Hugo Quintero
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2016
Mission of our Lady of Loreto Concho — Mission San Buenaventura

United by culture, nature, and faith: Mision de Nuestra Señora de Loreto Concho and Mission San Buenaventura

Is of great honor for us, to release the news about the goodwill statement of an official Sister Mission relationship, between this two, historically related Missions: Mission of Our Lady of Loreto Concho, in Loreto Baja California Sur; and Mission San Buenaventura, in Ventura California. Here to you a summarized text from the official covenant:

Sister Mission Covenant

Recognized as the Head and Mother of all Missions in Alta and Baja California, the faithful parishioners of Misión de Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó, founded in 1697 in Baja California Sur, and the faithful parishioners of Mission San Buenaventura, founded in 1782 in Alta California, have entered into a covenant and commit to support each other in prayer to:

Witness the Gospel, cultivate our religious heritage, provide temporal resources and encourage pilgrimage to all the missions in the Californias in fidelity to Holy Mother Church, the Holy Father, our respective bishops and dioceses as Sister Missions.

In 2015, our representatives in civic government from San Buenaventura and Loreto adopted a Sister City relationship. Respectively, the two national parks off our mutual shores have inaugurated a Sister Park/Sister Reserve Project: Bay of Loreto National Park-Channel Islands National Park and the University of California Natural Reserve System.

Unique to this relationship is the religious history of our missions, which is the foundation and very fabric of our mutual heritage that has sustained our communities for centuries.

This Sister Mission partnership may also support each other during natural disasters or other emergencies by raising funds or collecting needed supplies. By sharing each other’s cultures through sister relationships, communities can gain insight into the history, values, and spirit that make up their sister mission, sister city and sister national parks and reserves.

For additional info please visit:

Mision Nuestra Señora De Loreto BCS Mission San Buenaventura

Originally published at Loreto.



Hugo Quintero
Editor for

Our challenge 4 sustainable Loreto Baja Sur is 2 improve quality of life including ecological,political,social & economic components;all inclusive attitude!