How Website speed test is important for SEO

venkat sripathi
3 min readSep 19, 2019


Clients expect that sites should be quick. As the world turns out to be progressively portable, and as purchasers anticipate that administrations should be on-request and consistently conveyed, having a poor site speed can genuinely affect your SEO.

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Google comprehends that the time it takes for a page to load is a key piece of the general client experience. Trusting that substance will show up, being not able to interface with a page, and notwithstanding seeing postponements makes grating.

That erosion costs time, yet in addition cash. Research from as far back as 2016 demonstrated that 53% of portable site guests will leave if a site page doesn’t stack inside three seconds. What’s more, those sorts of awful encounters can leave an enduring negative impression of a brand.

Actually, investigate demonstrates that the degree of worry from sitting tight for moderate versatile outcomes can be more upsetting than viewing a thriller.

So it’s expected that Google has been estimating the speed of your site, and utilizing that in their positioning calculations, since 2010. All the more as of late, in 2018, the speed of your site on/for cell phones turned into a significantly more significant sign, as well. They comprehend that decent client experience is quick client experience.

Disappointment harms your clients and damages your rankings

Also, it’s not simply Google — research from each side of the web, on all parts of shopper conduct, demonstrates that speed hugy affects results.

47% of individuals anticipate that a site should stack in under 2 seconds (

20% of clients forsake their truck if the exchange procedure is excessively moderate (

Amazon found each 100ms of inertness cost them 1% in deals

The BBC discovered they lost an extra 10% of clients for each extra second their site took to stack

These expenses and this sort of site surrender happen on the grounds that clients don’t care to be baffled. Poor encounters imply that they go somewhere else, visit different sites, and convert with contenders.

Those practices are effectively followed by Google (through ricochets back to web crawler results pages, short visits, and different flag), and are a solid sign that the page shouldn’t rank where it was.

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Google needs a faster web

Speed isn’t useful for users — it’s useful for Google, as well. Slow sites are frequently moderate since they’re wasteful. They may stack an excessive number of enormous documents, haven’t improved their media, or don’t utilize present day advancements to serve their pages.

That implies that Google needs to expend more transmission capacity, designate more assets, and spend more cash.

Over the entire web, each millisecond they can spare, and each byte they don’t need to process, includes rapidly. Also, frequently, straight forward changes to the arrangement, procedures or code can make sites a lot quicker, without any downsides.

That might be one motivation behind why Google is so intensely put resources into the AMP Project, and for what reason they’re so vocal in their instruction on execution.

A quicker web is better for clients and decreases Google’s working expenses essentially. In any case, that implies that they’re going to keep remunerating fast(er) locales.



venkat sripathi

I am an SEO analyst and Content writer having 2 years of Industry experience. You can check those at