Chiropractic Treatment for Migraine

Baker Chiropractic
3 min readNov 22, 2022


If you experience migraine chiropractic therapy,, you are likely aware of how severe and incapacitating they may be. Of course, not everyone experiences pain in the same way, but pain is typically the primary aspect. One migraine headache has the power to completely wreck your day, but there are several strategies you may do to mitigate its impact.

How Do Migraines Occur?

If you have been diagnosed with migraines, you experience moderate to severe headaches that last between 4 and 72 hours. A headache needs to exhibit two of the following characteristics in order to be classified as a migraine:

  • acute to severe pain
  • lopsided setting
  • throbbing pain
  • heightened by frequent exercise, like walking

In addition, it must possess at least one of the following:

nausea and diarrhoea

sensitivity to sound and light

Once you’ve experienced four attacks according to these criteria and the headaches aren’t related to a more serious medical condition, you’ll be given the migraine diagnosis. Before a migraine starts, many migraine sufferers notice characters in their field of vision.

Important Precautionary Advice

Even if it’s not always possible to stop migraines, it’s important to avoid any known triggers. Specific meals, bright lights, loud noises, certain fragrances, lack of sleep, dehydration, high levels of anxiety, and being out of shape are some common headache causes. Try to avoid any of the aforementioned triggers if you observe that they cause a migraine to develop or other migraine-related symptoms, and track the impact on your migraine frequency. A successful preventative strategy might also involve receiving treatment at a chiropractic facility.

Chiropractic Care for Migraines

Spinal adjustments, which try to release your body of tension and pressure, are one of the earliest chiropractic therapies for migraine headaches.

There are many nerves, bones, blood vessels, tendons, muscles, and ligaments in your spine, so when your discs are out of alignment, it can lead to a variety of problems.

You’ll be able to enjoy fewer episodes and possibly take less pain medication once the issue is addressed from various angles. You might be able to get rid of your migraines with continued chiropractic care from a New You chiropractor.

Adapting Your Lifestyle Can Help Prevent Headaches

Our team believes in a multifaceted way to headache treatment, which involves knowing your triggers. We’ll work to understand your situation

The following are some typical causes of headaches:

  • Stress
  • spending a lot of time on a computer or on a phone
  • some meals
  • your surroundings
  • Insomnia

We can assist you in making small lifestyle modifications to avoid triggers when we find out what foods or environmental factors cause your headaches.

Long periods of time spent in one position are commonly associated with tension headaches. Staring, for example, can lead to “tech neck,” which increases your risk of headaches when using a computer or gazing down at your phone while doing so.

Long periods of time in the same position can damage joints and exacerbate upper back muscular stress. Our team so frequently suggests that you take breaks every 30 to 60 minutes to move around, change postures, and help prevent pain, in addition to your recommended chiropractic care plan.

Overall, making changes to your way of life while receiving migraine chiropractic therapy, can significantly impact how much pain you experience from chronic headaches.

Think twice before taking a painkiller the next time you have a headache. Call our office instead, or use our convenient online booking tool to make an appointment.



Baker Chiropractic

Dr. Patrick Baker, Dr. Paul Baker, and Dr. Garrett Knuckles are a highly skilled and experienced group of doctors. chiropractic offering you a team approach.