5 Cool Knives to Add To Your Arsenal

Hannah Baker
5 min readOct 4, 2019


If you explore the online market, you would find a significant variety of cool knives. You can easily find your desired knife, but if you haven’t made your mind about which knife to own, that’s a distress. It is not easy to select one knife out of that many. But, if you are really after some cool knives, I can help you.

Since every store and every manufacturer claims that his knife is the coolest, it becomes a little confusing for people who are unfamiliar with different types of knives. After my through exploration, I have enlisted some cool knives that you must own. And I assure you that if you use any of these knives, you would be thanking me for the suggestion.

Cool Knives

I am a user of knives for quite a long time. I am a camper, enthusiast and collector. I have tried using many of the pocket knives to come to a conclusion that the fives knives I have mentioned below are the best. In other words, the following five are the coolest knives that you must add to your arsenal:

1. Stiletto Knife

Also known as Italian stiletto, it is a small sized knife that hails from Italy. It features a long slender blade and there is a needle like point or a tip at the bottom. This knife is actually a stabbing, thrusting and slashing weapon. Its point allows the blade to penetrate deeply into the body.

Italian Stiletto Knife

Stiletto is a historical knife which also served in the First World War. It looks a bit like a dagger, but is not a dagger anyways. Generally, it is a fighting knife, but today it has been used for utility uses and self defense. Today, stiletto switchblades are quite frequently used for these purposes. These are foldable knives, the blades of which are opened using a push button.

2. Butterfly Knife

As we are talking about some cool knives, one feature that these knives should have is the uniqueness. Here is a very unique and different kind of a knife. Butterfly knife is an advanced and modernized knife that has two handles and one blade. Yes, that seems strange, but is completely true.

Butterfly Knife

This knife is often used for performing different tricks. However, it is equally advantageous for self defense and utility work. The two handles are moveable and the blade is often concealed inside them when they are closed. You can open the handles when you want. A powerful locking mechanism ensures that the handles remain locked when you want them to. Indeed, it is a knife you should have in your arsenal.

3. Rainbow Folding Knife

Rainbow folding knife is my most recommended knife for the modern users. This is the most gorgeous and luxurious knife and I would even suggest it to the women. Both men and women must carry this knife and use it for EDC tasks. It is a small sized pocket knife that can be carried in a pocket with ease. This is one cool knife that your arsenal deserves to have.

Rainbow Pocket Knives

Rainbow knife has a magnificent rainbow design on its handle and blade. It is a great utility knife that you can use in your kitchen for preparing food. Also, you can carry it for defending yourself against the attackers. It features a blade that can be folded inside the handle. In addition, a locking mechanism is installed to make sure the blade remains locked when folded.

4. Karambit Knife

Karambit knife is another historical and badass knife that is known for its immense blade strength. The design of this knife is its recognition. There would always be a curved blade, making it look fabulous. This knife hails from the Philippines where it was traditionally used as an agricultural tool. However, historians also suggest that it served as a self defense weapon for the people of the Philippines.

Karambit Knife

You can’t be a knife enthusiast unless you have this fantastic knife in your arsenal. It is available in both folding and fixed blade versions. You can choose to have any of these versions based on your preferences and needs. A folding version is easy to carry while a fixed blade has the strength.

5. Brass Knuckle Knife

Our fifth knife on this list is the brass knuckle knife, traditionally known as a Trench knife. This famous knife was used in the First World War when the battles took place in trenches. If you are an enthusiast, you can’t miss to have this historical knife in your collection.

Brass Knuckle Knife

Brass knuckle knife is one of the cool knives that are a combination of two weapons. This knife has a knuckle duster as well as a blade. The blade can be used for stabbing and cutting while knuckle duster can be used for punching. So, get these knives in your arsenal and determine your enthusiasm and craze for the knives!

