Are Batons More Effective Than Stun Guns?

Hannah Baker
3 min readMay 5, 2020


Are you looking forward to buying a baton? Are you confused if you need a baton for self defense or if it is a stun gun that you should be opting for? If you have all these questions in your mind, don’t worry as we are here to answer them all in detail for you.

The best way to know what is more effective and better is to first dig a little deep and study the details of each weapon. In short, you should know each and everything about a baton and each and everything about a stun gun because this is the only way, you will be able to make a wise decision.

Self Defense Baton

The Purpose Of The Weapon:

Before even digging deep with the details, you should consider your purpose of buying a weapon in the first place. Most people buy weapons for self defense purposes and if that is your purpose too then stick with us till the end.

What Is A Baton?

It is a cylindrical club that’s made up of wood, plastic and sometimes metal too. It all depends on you and the material you like the most.

It is used by law enforcement officers and by security staff etc. But if you want to keep one with you for protection purposes, you can buy one.

There are several different ways to use a baton for effective self defense weapon and the best part about this weapon is that it’s not even difficult to use. If you are looking for something that requires as little practice as possible then without a doubt, you should go for this cylindrical stick.

In case an attacker attacks you and you have to use this stick, all you need to do is to take off the guard and then strike the other person on his arm, leg or some other part of the body that makes him lose control of the situation.

In the end, this is what you should do. You should strike the attacker somewhere on his body where he loses control over the situation. It is on you if you want to escape the scene or go after the attacker.

Whatever the case is, a baton is definitely a great weapon to use and it is safe with you all the time too. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about.

What Is A Stun Gun?

If you want a weapon for another level of self defense, a stun gun is the most implicit weapon of 21st Century you should consider. This weapon is the most famous weapon of this century as the crime rates around are increasing in the world.

It is a lot different than a baton and you need to be careful when using it. A stun gun uses electric shock.

There are prongs attached with a stun gun and the electric shock passes through these prongs. This also means that you have to get the stun gun in direct contact with the skin of the attacker otherwise it is of no use.

Overall Verdict:

This is the main difference between a baton and a stun gun. A baton can be used from a distance even when the attacker isn’t so close to you. But, for a stun gun to work, you need to be extremely close to the attacker.

However, when it comes to effectiveness, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that a stun gun is a more effective self defense weapon because of the electric shock with which it comes.

When the electricity passes through the prongs and comes in contact with the attacker, it can leave him conscious for a while. The best point of aim is the neck. It is a non-lethal weapon, thus there won’t be anything to worry about.

It is just that with a stun gun, you should be careful about the safety guard so that you can carry it anywhere without harming yourself.

So, now is the time to purchase whatever you choose between these two defensive weapons. Simply search for the trusted retail dealer online and grab your desired weapon at a reasonable price.

