Brass Knuckles — The Self Defense Weapon to Prefer in 2020

Hannah Baker
2 min readJan 9, 2020


Brass knuckles has been a popular self defense weapon throughout 2019. But, will it retail its popularity in 2020? Since the start of 2020, a new debate has started. Which self defense weapon to prefer this year? People have tried plenty of weapons. But, no more. In 2020, brass knuckles is likely to be the most preferable weapon this year to battle the attackers. Following are the reasons why people are likely to prefer it for self defense in 2020:

Brass Knuckles

The Only Wearable Weapon

Brass knuckles is the only weapon that you can wear. It is designed in such a way that user is able to wear it around his knuckles. So, what if you can wear it? Mainly, it becomes easy to carry because it is already worn. Also, it makes sure you stay equipped with your self defense weapon to deal with the attackers.

No Complexity in Use

One of the easiest to use weapons around is brass knuckles. It does not contain any complex parts to it. There is no handle, no blade. All it has is a few knuckles. You can close your fist and deliver a powerful punch to the attacker. This is enough to take him down.

Brutal and Powerful

Brass knuckles is such a powerful and brutal weapon. Just a couple of punches can do the job. It is made of either brass or metal. But, in any case, it is extremely brutal. If punched in the face, it can cause long term injuries.

Quick Damage

The weapon to be preferred in 2020 must be quick. So, brass knuckles comes up as the best choice. You can quickly deliver a powerful punch to the attacker to knock him down.

The Brass knuckle knife!

There are certain variations of brass knuckles, but the best among them from self defense perspective is the brass knuckle knife. It is a combination of a knife and a knuckle duster. So, you can get two weapons to deal with the attackers at the same time. You can first use the knuckles to punch him and then use the blade to inflict severe injuries. What a lethal combination though!

So, considering these factors, brass knuckles has to be your preferred weapon for self defense in 2020. You must have a lethal weapon to deal with the attackers so that you can injure them and teach them a lesson. So, to me, this is your go-to weapon in 2020.

