Hidden Blade for Sale: Make an Informed Decision

Hannah Baker
4 min readApr 8, 2019


Hidden blade is well known as a key weapon of a famed video game ‘Assassin’s Creed’. Specifically designed for enacting combats, these hidden blades for sale extinguishes the target with such a master, ensuring prompt death, without drawing any attention to the assassin. As for those who are not clear about the idea of hidden blade, it is a weapon made from a narrow blade affixed into a channel on the underside of a gauntlet or bracer. These are also a sort of hidden knives, with sharp blades, even come with dual edging, saw tooth back serration. In this dangerous world out there, people who are concerned to their life and safety, hidden blades make really good option to have. There are several varieties of hidden blades for sale available in stores, which come in as hidden neck knives, hidden boot knives, hidden comb knives, hidden belt blades and hidden lipstick knives. With serration and dual functioning, any point of these hidden blades can be used, have least chance to miss its target. Highly admired Assassin’s Creed hidden blades are for sale, replicas are subtly designed to give a true feel of being a part of Assassin’s Creed. Subtly designed these hidden blades for sale is one of its kind, which is very attractive for Assassin’s Creed fans. These replicas of real hidden blade for sale are designed so skillfully so as give a real feel to the user. This replica hidden blade for sale will make you feel as you have entered the world of that digital game.

Hidden Blades for Sale

Design and Mechanism of Hidden Blades

While there are numerous varieties of hidden blade for sale, numerous guides encompassing comprehensive information is also available on hidden blade for sale about these with the point that you must be aware of the functionality of the one you pick for yourself. As the name says, narrow blades fixed into a groove beneath a gauntlet or bracer which is controlled with the spring system. Modern blades are generally made up of stainless steel. This system allows the blade to automatically extend and retract from its position. Functioning of this system varies among the different models though. Early centuries hidden blades had a ring around the pinkie figure, other side of which was tied to the blade.

To unleash the hidden blade, the ring was pulled with a simultaneous twitch of the wrist. Later own, the refashioned hidden blades came up with a pressure switch located inside the bracer. Functioning of this system is attached to bending of wrist, eliminating the use of ring on pinkie. Later, in 15th century, as much improved hidden blade design was introduced in which the mechanism no longer used the flicking of wrist or any movement of hand. The hidden blade knife could be extended or retracted without any visible action of hand or wrist, and the weapon could be operated with a clenched fist. In 17th century, hidden blade for sale adapted some structural changes, for example, blades got wider and the use of dual blades was established. Although hidden blades were commonly used until 19th and 20th centuries, however, in 21st century, although not very common, still these weapons are used in various regions.

Besides all this evolution of hidden blades, we now have a variety of amazing hidden blades for sale with modernized features. Easy to carry, improved grip, sharp dual-edged blades ensuring the impact when stabbing the target. These stunning hidden blades has gone through changes and refashioned to enhance its durability and feasibility during combats.

Uses of Hidden Blade

Despite the fact that hidden blades were originated with the major purpose of secretive assassination, in combats, these could only be used under certain situations. Keep in mind that hidden blades could not block any attack. However, with the modification in hidden blades, such as fixing the blade with a metal plate makes it durable for self-defense as well. But these blades become less effective and less damaging as compared to sword or knife. For your interest, Arno Victor Dorian, during French reign of Terror, used Phantom blades, a sort of hidden blades fired like crossbows.

Overall effectiveness of hidden blades depends on two major aspects i.e. its purpose and its setting. These are highly effective in discrete combats. Hidden blades are really successful weapons if used correctly. Say that if your target is in populated area, you could reach and finish your target without being noticed, depending on the placement of blade. Apart from its use in combats, hook shaped hidden blades could be used to climb buildings. In history, possession of hidden blade used to be a symbol of status.

Hidden Blades for Sale

Keeping in mind the strength and resilience, the most efficient hidden blade for sale is designed with various features. Manufactured for combats, these hidden blades come with sawtooth back. Elegantly fashioned handles provide strong grip and for enhanced safety feature, an extended guard has been included. In order to increase control over handle and give even comfortable grip, the handles come with feature of grooved fingers on it. To ensure safety, hidden blades for sale come in nylon sheaths.

Besides all these models and advanced features, we are providing in hidden blades, the prices for these are surprisingly low. The tag prices for these blades for sale comes in highly affordable ranges.

Safety Tips

After you have selected the model and type of hidden blade for sale for you, keep in mind that a slight wrong use or irresponsibility could be injurious not only for you but also for others. Therefore, practice its usage first, check all its mechanism, how it operates, how to disable its functioning. Make sure you do not trip it while working on regular tasks. Also ensure that blade does not penetrate your skin where you are hiding the blade. So, stay safe, with hidden blades.

