How to Easily Upgrade and Learn More About Airsoft Guns?

Hannah Baker
4 min readFeb 14, 2020


There are many airsoft guns available for those who have the passion to collect and play with these guns. They always want their airsoft guns to shoot fast but keep in mind that accuracy is required for this.

This is the reason that everyone wants to increase the performance of their guns but many people are not aware of how to do so.

So, here we have come up with a few points that will help you to easily upgrade your gun. This way you will be able to know how you can get the best from your gun.

Airsoft Guns

Stronger Spring Upgrade:

The topmost important up-gradation you can do in your airsoft gun is putting a very strong spring in the gearbox of the gun. This is because if your gun has a stronger spring, it will push the piston of the gun faster. Due to this, more air pressure will be created that will result in greater FPS.

Hence, to do this, you need to disassemble the gearbox of your gun. If you don’t have the idea of doing this, you can look forward to an expert to do your task perfectly.

Add A Better Hop-Up Bucking:

The other important thing to do is to modify your hop-up unit. This unit of your airsoft gun has control over the backspin on BBs and make it fly straight so that there is no up and down drifting.

Many times, the rubber of the stock hops up dries and this makes the grip of the BB lose and make it uneven. Thus, as a result, erratic flying patterns will be observed.

The solution to this problem is the aftermarket hop-up unit. Because the good quality material is used in them and they also possess the concave shape that is similar to the BB contour for different kinds of hop-up actions.

Well, the outcome of this modification will be a consistent flying shot and a great FPS.

Add A Tight Bore Barrel:

The majority of airsoft guns that are out there possess greater diameter barrels. Generally, the diameter of the barrel is almost 6.05 mm and this is quite a bigger diameter for any usual BB. Conversely, common BBs have a diameter that is about 5.95 mm.

Also, the extra diameter can make the BB bounce back which makes it inconsistent and reduced FPS will be observed.

However, the best method to modify such guns is to add a rigid barrel. Such barrels are available with a diameter of about 6.03 mm or 6.01 mm. They also hold a tighter seal which will eventually increase the FPS of the gun.

Both of them offer some advantages and drawbacks. So, before buying your gun, you should ask your gun retailer for a better option according to your task.

Use Quality Ammunition:

The last most important thing to upgrade your airsoft gun is that you need to make sure that the BB you are using for firing is of high quality. It is very essential to do if you have a tight barrel gun.

Because if you have bought low-quality ammunition, there are chances that those BBs will have an irregular shape, uneven sizes, and even they possess an air pocket as well. This way it can cause variance, inconsistency, and inaccuracy, or even worse is that it can jam the barrel of your gun.

UZI Airsoft Gun

Some Benefits of Learning More About Airsoft Guns:

You can learn a lot more about upgrading your guns and can easily buy different kinds of airsoft guns from the top retailers of these guns available in the market.

  • Great Memories:

If you have come at an age where you are able to play thrilling airsoft games, you should choose your favorite airsoft guns and start learning to use them accurately.

You can take assistance from your family members, friends, or even some professionals so that you can learn to use your weapons properly. This way you can create amazing memories that will remain in your mind forever.

  • Safer option:

Another major advantage of using airsoft guns is that you don’t have to worry about anything because rubber bullets are fired from these guns. Whereas, a common handgun uses actual bullets and that is totally an unsafe option.

Yes, you should know that the bullets from airsoft guns will not cause any kind of damage or harm. On the other hand, a normal bullet has the potential to harm. So, this benefit makes these guns the best option to opt for when you are planning to get training in shooting.

  • Get Practiced Anywhere:

The best place to learn shooting from your airsoft gun is the backyard of your house. Thus, you should first select a paper target because the paper targets are very cheap and are easily available in almost every market.

Such targets also offer grids that will help you learn shooting at a specific target and your accuracy of shooting will be improved in this way.


Therefore, airsoft guns are a great way to practice shooting. As well, in this way, your shooting skills will also be improved. However, when it comes to up-gradation, you can consider the above-mentioned tricks to get the most out of your guns.

Conversely, if you are interested in buying a new one, you can simply visit a top-rated online store where you can find a large variety of good quality guns used in airsoft sports.

