What are the Practical Uses of Ninja Stars?

Hannah Baker
4 min readSep 26, 2019


Ninja Star, also known as shuriken, is now quite a familiar thing in America. It seems as if people have suddenly become fond of collecting knives, swords and other weapons. Maybe, this is one reason. Other reasons include the necessity of carrying a self defense weapon. ‘

I hate to say, but truly we are not safe anymore. Almost 90% of the people who work in the evening shift are attacked when they are getting back home after work. This is how unsafe the environment is today.

Ninja Stars

Attackers have started victimizing people and they are finding it tough to get rid of them. Hence, they have started carrying self defense weapons with them to deal with the attackers. There are several weapons being used for defense, but ninja stars have emerged as interesting ones.

Now, many people tend to ask about practical uses of ninja stars. Here is the answer. You can use them in plenty of ways, specifically the following four ways:

1. Tactical Uses

The foremost use of ninja stars that comes in the mind straight away is tactical use. In fact, these were originally tactical weapons that served ninjas during wars. Ninjas were smart and clever warriors who used different tactics to deal with their enemies.

One of their tactics was to use shuriken. They threw them on the enemies to cause injuries on their heads. If you remember, these stars have very sharp edges on them. These edges can seriously hurt.

So, ninjas threw them on the enemies even before the war began. Their enemies were confused regarding what was causing the problem. Therefore, they were distracted and meanwhile ninjas attacked them and gained an upper hand in the war very early. At times, these stars were embedded in the ground to cause injuries to the enemies who stepped on their edges.

Ninja stars were not the weapons for killing, rather for maiming and distracting. This is the best practical use that one could make of them.

2. Self Defense

Self defense is the real use of the ninja stars. People have adopted it as a self defense weapon against the attackers. In fact, it has replaced several smart weapons. It has proved to be advantageous in such situations.

Well, the problem with most of the self defense weapons is that they need you to get closer to the attacker in order to do the damage. For example, in the case of a stun gun, you need to touch the attacker with its prongs to deliver the shock.

Getting closer to the attacker in any case is extremely dangerous. Shuriken saves you from this uncomfortable situation. It allows you to hurt the attacker by staying away from him. Obviously, you can throw the stars from a safe distance.

3. Cosplay

Ninja stars, as the name suggests, are mostly associated with the ninjas. Almost everyone knows who they were. They were the great Japanese warriors who are still popular due to their bravery and excellent war tactics to defeat their opponents. And don’t forget their incredible cosplay weapons that played their part in making them win those battles.

Cosplayers are often involved in live action role play where they dress up as ninjas. To dress up as a ninja, you need to have the right ninja weapon in your hand as well. So, cosplayers prefer using these throwing stars because they are iconi ninja weapons. Also, they are easy to hold and control when they are on stage performing their role in front of a massive audience.

Hence, for cosplayers these stars are the weapons of practical use. I have seen them having these stars in their arsenals. Specifically, when they play ninja on stage, they are often equipped with stars rather than swords. Perhaps, this is a great tactic of impressing the audience.

4. Throwing Sports

Throwing sports have become extremely popular around the world. Every now and then, there are worldwide competitions held for throwing sports. For instance, there is a throwing knife sport and a throwing axe sport. In Europe and America, people take part in these games and have become professional athletes or sportsmen.

Well, people are pretty keen to think out of the box and be creative when it comes to sports. So, they have moved to throwing stars as a sport. Rather than using a knife and axe, they now use stars.

In a throwing star sport, the players would throw these stars on the wooden target. You can build a similar wooden target and then try throwing these stars on target to figure out your throwing skills.

Remember ninja stars provide a great accuracy, hence, it would be more useful and interesting to engage in this sport. Now, I believe you can think of several ways of using the stars. But, these four are the most prominent ways!

