Improving My (Marathon) Journey

Norman the Writer
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2024

It’s so easy to get lost in the minutia of day-to-day things. At least so I hear. It’s not often that I find myself forgetting about the big picture of my life, maybe this is some kind of superpower. A mindset I would like to elaborate on for you. What you take away from this story, I hope, will be a greater sense of awareness that engages your favorite parts of your mind and emotions.

What is your favorite version of yourself? Being this person is where it’s at. When we are all of who we enjoy being and aligned with our selves, we can be safe in saying that’s when life feels fine, even pleasant.

For me, my favorite version of myself is easy to describe profoundly. When my headspace is cloudless and engaged with the overall motives of my life. I am fondest of myself when my mind includes all my biggest aspirations, greatest intelligences, and deepest motives in a sort of soft hum in that gently traces over my thoughts…. energetically. In this attitude do I feel a healthy connection to my life. In this psyche do I not feel small nor big, but the right size I should and deserve to be, with no judgment and recognized with grace.

That’s me…and to some degree I imagine that is everyone. And if everyone would like to experience this feeling for themselves more often, I think I have found a way.

Choose a goal. Work at it, go through the process and like a farmer, you shall reap what you sow. What we want to grow deserves to give us our favorite lives. Put another way, I mean that in deciding to pursue something of great importance and worth we invite great moments for ourselves to show up to.

When we accomplish something, we enjoy the sensation of adding value to ourselves, at least this is what I experience and witness in life. This description of accomplishment suggests we feel better when we can claim our growth. When we mindfully appreciate the idea in our mind we can lock into gratitude and really say thank you to ourselves. That sweet gratitude is self-love.

Now who doesn’t want that?

This is a small practice that compounds into beautiful gains. The practice of bringing value into your life. We do this all the time already in subtle or obvious ways. We bring smiles into peoples lives, we bring art into the world, we offer solutions and improvements to problems and the status quo. When we find a goal and decide on it do we begin to guide ourselves in the direction of bringing even more value into the world.

This concept can be likened to the idea of gravity. As we make more of a difference in the world, we matter more. Life won’t throw it’s greatest challenges if our lives don’t align as a path towards them. If you want to live each day believing that you are on your way to being your favorite you, those beliefs are going to need some actions to substantiate those feelings.

I realized a lot of this when I was in my late 20s. I realized how calculatable life can be at times. It’s like I can recognize patterns of emotions, and not just my own. This realization, I feel most people experience it on some level. To me it seems near impossible to not witness patterns of life.

Nature is full of patterns, and people are nature. The idea is this: just like a flower that grows repeating pedals and blooms every year do people too have patterns. If we can understand how a flower can repeat its process of growth, then we too should be able to understand how our loved ones and fellow mankind go through cycles and seasons of life.

We can growing in the ideas of confidence, success, and empathy as we take on more important aspects of life. What those things are is a different conversation.

“Improving my Marathon Journey” focuses on building the spirit of a person methodically.

The story of building up your spirit requires many pages to be wrote, and I will bet most people want those pages including positive messaging. For your consideration, I present the lessons of; personal spirit is built when achievement is attained, achievement comes with goals, and goals come with a process.

How to focus on your favorite goals is a large subject in itself. Check out The Art of Focus, an article examining key focus practices and vernacular that help to lock into your favorite pursuits.

This way, gradually, we all add more healthy habits to promote even better lives. We create our own strategies to guide us through and above the minutia.

My dreams keep me awake, not just aware, but I mean present and engaged with most moments. One day, I hope to find myself in the position as a major creative project lead. And as a successful family man. And as an international marathoner.

The marathon, my current biggest milestone. At least, it’s the first step towards even larger dreams, so calling this my biggest milestone feels real. The version of me who champions this journey let’s be my favorite me every single day.

And so..

The journey of becoming a marathoner continues.



Norman the Writer

Somehow, we're all still here. That must mean there's a story worth living for. My story is to transform a little bit of life into the extraordinary. #EMPOWERUS