You migration is now progressing and if you are lucky you’ll be seeing something like the below. It’s likely though, this will not be the case and you’ll have one or a few that have failed.

With any luck, you will see this…

You can check on your progress on all mailboxes throughout the migration. Here we can see the status of Mailbox4.

Mailbox4 is one of our six hierarchy mailboxes. The hierarchy mailboxes do take longer to sync, and Mailbox1 will take the longest.

Mailbox4 migration status

Step 12 — Examining any Failures
Unless you are migrating a small amount of data or you have a very clean and tidy Public Folder estate (come on be honest, how many of us actually have ever taken a deep dive look at the Public Folder data?), you will have some failures to deal with…

First, we need to export the report in a way where we can actually read it. This command will allow you to export to a text file where you can take a closer look, or you can only return what you are looking for.

PowerShell commands for examining the report in detail…

Let us take a look for any Bad Items during your migration.
Using the commands above, we can see I have 3115 Corrupt Folder ACLs in one of our sync attempts. The logs will show you more details about where these are if you wanted to fix them.

Detailed Bad Items report grouped by Kind and Type
Details about one of the Bad Item failures

The Failures, Warnings and Entries section of the report will come in handy when you have to find reasons why Mailbox1 won’t sync, and will also fail on the final check which is mail-enabled Public Folders.

A report showing all Warnings
A report showing all Entries
A report showing all Failures

IMPORTANT: If you are seeing thousands of CorruptFolderACL, then think very carefully about whether you simply chose to increase the Bad Item limit or whether you chose to fix them. If you chose to fix them you could be causing a large mass change of permissions, all of which have to be re-synced. Depending on the size of this update, you may be unable to recover your sync due to timeouts and throttling. You may end up having to restart from the beginning…

UPDATE 29/08/18
If you are seeing lots of CorruptFolderACL entries, you may want to fix them before proceeding. The reason… check out my later blog post here. Once you cutover you maybe not be able to delete emails in that folder as the ACL is corrupted. This in my opinion is down to having unresolved SIDs in the ACL (NT USER:….). It’s likely to be either a user that has been deleted from AD, in which case you can simply delete the entry, or a disabled account which you probably can’t delete unless they are leaving. The difference between a deleted and a disabled account, are that disabled accounts show as this NT USER: domainname\useraccount — deleted accounts show as NT USER: SIDID

Report — Export Migration Progress
If you wanted to run daily exports of your migration progress you can do. I wrote the below script to take daily exports just so I can keep a view on progress.

Export a report of your Public Folder migration

