Read this if you do your own Pest Control!

Bakhtiyar Khan
8 min readApr 25, 2017


Do you know how many stages an insect’s life cycle have?

Where the cockroach puts its eggs?

How do they breed?

Are you a self-medication addict?

Do you feel you know as good as doctors?

Do you think beating the biggest competition of humanity, the pests is DIY (Do It Yourself) job?

Are you a self-proclaimed entomologist / Biologist / Chemist?

This article may help you come out of this state of mind because your life is much more expensive than the small amount, few hundred rupees that you save on taking these HUGE RISKS.

Same as the medicines for humans, the pest control products are also chemicals and these may harm humans and human surrounding if not used judiciously. When it comes to pest control, there are a variety of pest control products that may or may not work based on what kind of pests you have and tolerances or resistances certain pests may have developed. When you go and buy over-the-counter pest control products and they are having little effect, you are basically out of luck.

The good sure shot medicines requires license to keep and use, remaining over-the-counter products are not at all sure shot. These licensed products have a much longer shelf life and utilize adjuvants or the formulations that make it so it can stay in place even if it rains whereas over-the-counter product is washed away in rain.

The solutions offered by a professional pest control company are really long drawn and reliable, the chemicals has a residual and time release component and they can last anywhere from a month to several months. Your average pest control products from the store won’t last that long.

Then your over-the-counter products have no service guarantee, does it give you any?

The modern Integrated Pest Management Programs offered by many pest control services are basically to ensure the “No Return” of pests and for that there are various strategies being implemented to fight them out, remember we are fighting a living being and they have all the tools and methods of their own to survive your attack. A professional Pest Control Company people will return between their scheduled services if there is excess pest activity for free. Is the company that sold you the over the counter pest control products going to come to your home and help you keep your home pest free if you are still seeing activity after you use their products?

As a homeowner we sometimes are tempted to take up some small home projects, like painting few walls, changing the mirror or replacing the toilet seats, these seems easy jobs and gives us a sense of responsibility, the same logic applies to pest control as well, in some cases DIY works well, like spraying on a mosquito in the evening, but in most of the cases the problem explodes and your ultimately you call the expert.

When it comes to our family’s health we never compromise so it is better to not let the problem becomes a giant, control the pests on a regular basis, everyone should get a professional pest control company working at your premise on a yearly contract to ensure you never see a pest activity.

There are certain pests where you have absolutely no clue on how to fight them and for these never ignore or take chance and leave these on to the professionals who knows how to destroy them control then and let you live well:

Termite: These are silent destroyers and damages crore of rupees of property each year, these are very destructive and work 24X7 and you get to know of their presence only when the major damage is already done. So it is better to get an expert on your side to continuously inspect your premise for any early signs of infestation.

Bed Bugs: these are certainly not the insect pests any amateur can handle, these are bruising through your skin and causing serious harm to your family, their bites are painful and itchy and they do not stop. These are hidden and are notoriously elusive, let a trained professional help you fighting this menace at your home and giving you sleepless nights.

Stinging Insects: these poses a serious health risk, these must be reported to ensure your kids and pets are safe and secure, these stinging insects sends almost a million people to emergency room each year and their colony may contains thousands of soldiers and these may even be life threatening to anyone.

Wood Borers: these lives inside your furniture for years, these are not easily recognised, these must be left on experts to inspect, find and treat before they damage your granny’s antique dressing table and make it hollow from within.

Heavy infestation: in case you have already fight them out with your own DIY methods and you are seeing them again and again, that means that the infestation is beyond your control and before they capture your entire premise call the licensed and ISO Certified Pest Control Expert.

Let us be realistic and very straight!

When it comes to a single bug, you see a fly or an ant for example, a flyswatter works just fine. However, that is about as far as the do it yourself pest control should go.

There are several reasons for this.

  1. Knowledge: Unless you are a biologist or entomologist or at-least and enthusiast, the chances of you knowing the insect, his lifecycle, his behaviour, his favourite hideouts, his eating habits and reproduction rate etc are around nil. Successful pest control will only occur with successful identification of your pest. There are different control methods and chemicals needed for different pests. Treating with the wrong control measure will result in failure.
  2. Expense: Does it really save in the long run? If you do not treat it properly, soon your home will become a home of other diseases and you would probably never know that these infections in kids etc. are happening
  1. because of these hidden pests. It might seem that the initial investment is more costly with a professional, it is often less expensive in the end. If the in-store pesticides are not effective, your pest problem could grow. That means buying more pesticides, which can get expensive. Some pests can cause costly damage to your home, adding on even more expense if not controlled properly. Also most of the time ultimately they have to call the expert help so why not in the beginning..
  2. Risk: In case you are not a chemist or a chemical enthusiast, there are only a minimal chances that you know the effect of these chemicals on your own health, these carry risks. By applying a chemical that you are not knowledgeable about, you are putting humans, pets, and plants in the path of potential harm. Each year thousands of children are reaching hospitals due to these pesticides poisoning, even a small dose is dangerous.
  3. Proper Equipment: How will you do it? Most of these pests are hidden and usually require special equipment to fight them. By not having the proper tools, your pest control efforts will not be successful.
  1. Some infestations require professional treatment: Ever wondered why these keep coming back? Because you just killed an adult of the cockroach family, but he has already laid 5000 eggs in your kitchen, these are well hidden and soon will hatch and come out to haunt you. You’re not just seeing one bug, but hundreds. You have an infestation, which is almost impossible to control on your own

Having said all these, please look into the risks associated with it as well

If we present our Factory or industry or company as a highly professional one then we must keep a clean office or showroom or your own home because even before the customer, your own employee stops respecting you for being lazy and dirty. Commercial pest control plays a major part in this cleanliness, and without it, your business may be compromised.

By not taking a commercial service you may be risking:

  1. Your Reputation

Rats in office, Cockroach in your restaurant kitchen or a lizard in your meeting room can turn your customers off in a moment. No matter what you so, a pest infestation isn’t going to be good for business. For the food industry, an infestation can be downright disastrous. For the sake of the reputation of your business, commercial pest control services are absolutely essential.

  1. The Health of Employees and Customers

A bite from a rat or a poisonous spider can be potentially deadly. Droppings from the mouse pose a serious health threat and contaminate your inventory. If you run a hotel or own a hospital then Bed bugs can cause a host of issues, and may even travel home with your employees or customers.

  1. Damage to Your Building

Termite infestation can go undetected for quite some time, and by the time you are aware of what is going on you may be faced with incredible amounts of costly damage. A rodent in the server room of an IT company could be a catastrophe.

  1. Fines

In case you are frequently visited by health officials, an infestation can be a disaster. They charge you, and sometimes even your working license is put on threat.

  1. Being Shutdown

In the absolute worst-case scenario, an infestation can lead to your business being shut down for a period of time. The public opinion of your company will immediately shift. From that point on, you will be faced with the constant need to repair your image.

Something as simple as a monthly or quarterly visit from a professional commercial pest control company can prevent a host of issues.

Doing your own pest control can be done, but often is more costly and more time intensive then many home owners may think.

Just Stop Doing It Yourself!

You don’t save rather end up paying more.

For this and more such information please visit more often and stay connected with our blogs. We offer world class pest control services. Your comments, suggestions, recommendations and stories or problems related to pests are most welcome. Do write to us at or call our All India Toll Free Number (to get rid of pests from your surroundings and to fight them better) at 1800 200 7378.

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