3 min readMay 5, 2024
Zenvest Wallet have 3 personalised products

Loan against mutual funds (LAM) serves as a crucial lifeline for many individuals and businesses in India, especially those in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector. Imagine a small business owner, let's call her Rani, who runs a tailoring shop in a bustling market in Mumbai. Rani's business is her passion, but like many small businesses, she often faces challenges in managing her finances.

One day, Rani learns about LAM and sees it as an opportunity to secure the funds she needs to purchase new sewing machines for her shop. By pledging her mutual fund units, Rani is able to access the funds she needs without having to sell her investments or provide traditional collateral. This not only helps her business grow but also allows her to maintain ownership of her assets.

The process of obtaining the loan is quick and easy, providing Rani with the convenience she needs as a busy entrepreneur. With the new sewing machines, Rani's productivity increases, and she is able to take on more orders, leading to the growth of her business.

As Rani repays the loan on time, she builds her credit profile, making it easier for her to access credit in the future. The lower interest rates offered on LAM also ensure that Rani can afford the loan without putting a strain on her finances.

Overall, LAM humanizes the financial system by providing individuals like Rani with access to credit on favorable terms, allowing them to pursue their dreams and improve their livelihoods.

Loan against mutual funds (LAM) can play a significant role in promoting financial inclusion in India, especially for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Here's how:

1. **Access to credit:** LAM provides MSMEs with access to credit, which is often a challenge due to their size and lack of collateral. By pledging their mutual fund units, MSMEs can secure loans without having to provide traditional forms of collateral.

2. **Lower interest rates:** LAM typically offers lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans, making it an affordable option for MSMEs looking to meet their short-term funding needs.

3. **Quick and easy process:** The process of obtaining a loan against mutual funds is usually quick and hassle-free, making it convenient for MSMEs that require funds urgently.

4. **Maintain ownership of assets:** Unlike selling assets to raise funds, LAM allows MSMEs to maintain ownership of their mutual fund units while accessing the liquidity they need.

5. **Flexible repayment options:** Lenders often provide flexible repayment options for LAM, allowing MSMEs to choose a repayment schedule that aligns with their cash flow.

6. **Credit building:** Timely repayment of LAM can help MSMEs build their credit profile, making it easier for them to access credit in the future.

7. **Risk mitigation:** LAM can help MSMEs mitigate the risk of default by providing them with a source of funds that is not dependent on the performance of their business.

Overall, LAM can be a valuable tool for promoting financial inclusion among MSMEs in India by providing them with access to credit on favorable terms and helping them manage their cash flow effectively.

Photo by Prashanth Pinha on Unsplash