The Potential of a simple bug in Twitter’s Android Client

Balachandar KM
2 min readNov 9, 2015


A week back, I created a new twitter handle ( @audifyapp ) for Audify. I created it using the Twitter’s official android client and started following people. While doing that, I noticed that Audify’s profile pic was used instead of the Twitter’s default egg profile pic for users who didn’t setup a profile pic. So basically, I have seen many people with Audify’s profile pic.

I didn’t take it as a big concern as I know that this is a bug and might be fixed at some point in future. But today morning, a friend of mine mentioned me in his tweet and asked for help to report an user who is using his profile pic without his concern !!!

I just checked his profile and found this long chain of tweets ☺ Thankfully both of them are highly civilised and didn’t get themselves in to any verbal spat.

Tweet chain (train)

I cleared the air for them 😇

Interestingly it happened to him for a specific user and showed the egg profile pic for some other users. Even for me, it is inconsistently picking up my profile pic for users without a profile pic !!

Anyways, This incident can be a very good example of how a simple bug in an app can make a big impact on it’s users. So let’s think twice or thrice before prioritising a bug 😎

A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. (Doug Linder)

