What is Task Based UI

Bala Murali
2 min readJul 18, 2020


This article is now available in video:

When I was learning about CQRS and Event Sourcing, I stumbled upon the term Task Based UI. I haven’t heard that earlier and this post is about what I had learned after that.

Task Based UI is based on users intent. What does “user intent” mean? And what is the opposite of Task Based UI?

Let us take an example. In an employee management portal, there will be create/edit screen to modify all data related to an employee, something like below:

This “Edit Employee Details” has 3 intents as shown below:

This type of UI is called as CRUD (create, read, updated, delete) based UI because a single screen is used for all the user intents (like activate, change role, etc) and it just act as an interface for database operations.
The corresponding Task Based UI will have 3 different UIs for the three different intents as shown below:

Hope this serves you as a starting point to understand more about Task Based UIs.

Happy coding!!

Originally published at http://balazblogspot.blogspot.com.

