Android Application Class

Tech Log
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2018

While Starting App development, we tend to miss out simple basic stuffs either by ignorance or by curiosity to build million dollar app. But, Hey! Why so serious !. Building a App is bit of Art ,bit of Engineering and frequently both.

Activity Life Cycle is stages of activity in run time, knowing these would save you from headaches while you dive deeper in development.

I have written a post that will help you to understand activity lifecycle in a practical approach. Check it out

Application class is a base class of Android app containing components like Activities and Services. Application or its sub classes are instantiated before all the activities or any other application objects have been created in Android app.

You Don’t have to import or extend application class, they are predefined. We cannot change application class but we could give additional instruction to it by extending it. Refer here for more info.

Create a java class named SubApplication and Application as Superclass

By extending Application class you could get boilerplate code like this

Example Application Class

Check in AndroidManifest.xml and set Application name to SubApplication that you created

Application class configuration in Android Manifest

Lets take a situation where we should know which activity is currently running and we have to use register network receiver in all our activities. To this we used to write same code in all the activities or write a base class and extend that class instead of extending AppCompactActivity.

We have Activity Life cycle in one hand and Application class in another, what sense they make? Well actually they do? Let’s look into it.

  1. In application class create static Activity variable it is accessible from whole project.
static Activity mActivity;

2. Register Activity Life Cycle callback in onCreate method in application class. By this step we can get currently running activity in our app from mActivity.

3.Moving on to next, Create a Broadcast Receiver and write a method to check the internet connection. you can get the code here .

public class MyNetworkReciver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {


4. Register your broadcast receiver in Manifest File

<receiver android:name=".MyNetworkReceiver">
<action android:name="" />

But for SDK Above Nougat we need to register receiver and unregister in every activity we use programmatically or We can just register and unregister Commonly in Application class.

//To Register
registerReceiver(mNetworkReceiver, new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION));
//To unregister

5. Create a Object for Broadcast Receiver in application class and Register it in onResume method and Unregister in onPause method.

Bit confused! Don’t Worry, Here is the Link to the files.

Thanks for reading out the article. Let me know if I have missed out something interesting so that I can be added. Be sure to clap/recommend as much as you can and also share with your friends.

