How To Deal With Dishonest People

Balapanov (:
2 min readDec 5, 2015


Dishonesty is a quality which sits at conflicting ends with truth. Many of us have probably experienced dishonest behavior by others at some point in our lives, be it people keeping secrets, lying, keeping up a facade, being hypocritical, or trying to cheat us.

While we can try to stay away from such people, such people still slip into our lives from time to time. So, how can we deal with them effectively?

There are several steps of dealing with dishonest people:

Weigh the impact. Ask yourself how the dishonest behavior has affected you. Every deceitful “transaction” costs you something.

Address the behavior. It’s best to stay focused on the actions — what was done and how it affected you. Finger-pointing and accusing, even if deserved, will put the person on the defensive and stifle any constructive conversation.

Ask direct questions. If you suspect someone has lied or manipulated, remember that you are entitled to the truth. Don’t drop the matter until you are satisfied with the answers.

Reject “minimalism.” Some people try to minimize dishonest behavior by trying to pass it off as a little white lie, a fib, or insisting it’s no big deal. Deceitful actions ARE a big deal and shouldn’t be shrugged off.

Determine if the person is willing to come clean. When confronted, lots of people try to cover it up with another lie, and then another. Damaged trust can be restored only when the person takes responsibility for his/her actions.

Get a second opinion. Those who traffic in untruths are masters of misdirection and misperception, leaving you thoroughly confused. Ask a trusted friend or counselor for a reality check so you can separate lies from truth.

Understand that dishonesty is usually not a one-time thing. Often, a person who will deceive you once will deceive you again.

Dishonest people can appear in every life of every individual. I hope all these ways can be helpful for everyone.

