Deploy IBM Sterling Order Manager Software on OpenShift — Part 3

Bala Sivasubramanian
3 min readApr 9, 2022


Read the previous article(s)

For this article, I am going to walk through simple setup of MQ running on Openshift which is required for IBM Sterling Order Manager Software.

Important Step:

Follow this step in MQ project so the images are pulled successfully and deployed into OpenShift Cluster.

(1) Obtaining your entitlement key

  1. Go to the Container software library.
  2. Click Copy key.
  3. Copy the entitlement key to a safe place so you can use it when you add the pull secret in the next section.

(2) ibm-entitlement-key secret

  • Create the secret with entitlement key which you received from above steps

(3) Add the secret “ibm-entitlement-key” to the Service Account:imagePullSecrets which will be used to Deploy MQ on the OpenShift

Note: Repeat steps (2) and (3) for the new Secret called “ibm-registry” which is required sometimes for MQ.

Deploy the IBM MQ on the OpenShift Cluster

Follow this tutorials to install the IBM MQ on the Openshift CLuster.

(1) MQ Operator Enabled on the OperatorHub

As result, MQ Operator will be enabled on the OperatorHub.

(2) Install the MQ Operator which will result as shown

(3) Create the Queue Manager

As result, the Queue Managers are created successfully.

MQ Pods

MQ Services

MQ Routes

Retrieve MQ admin password :

oc -n ibm-common-services get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath=’{.data.admin_password}’ | base64 -d && echo

Congrats !! You have completed all the Prerequisites for the IBM Sterling Order Manager Software deployment.

Verification :

OpenShift Console Developer View

  • Login to Red Hat OpenShift Console and switch to “Developer” view on the top left hand corner

MQ Queue Manager Console

Access the MQ Operator Route and click the Queue Manager url to access

Special thanks to Tony Lodge for helping.


  1. Apply IBM Cloud Pak Entitlement Key
  2. Retrieve your Entitlement Key based on IBMId
  3. MQ Operator Infocenter

