Devan Bald, originating from the scenic locale of Round Lake, Illinois, stands as a testament to the values of hard work and perseverance. During his formative years in Lake Forest, IL, he laid a robust foundation for a life characterized by relentless pursuit and achievement. His journey, marked by personal growth and professional development, mirrors his commitment to excel in every endeavor.

Athletic Endeavors: Cultivating Discipline and Team Spirit

From an early age, he exhibited a strong affinity for sports. Engaging deeply in basketball, football, and baseball throughout high school, he wasn't just playing games but mastering disciplines that taught him the value of teamwork and personal excellence. His impressive sports accolades reflect his commitment to surpassing expectations and the spirit of a dedicated athlete.

Culinary Exploration: From Professional Cook to Passionate Hobbyist

Devan's professional journey began in the culinary world, where he spent five impactful years as a line cook across two bustling kitchens. This experience was pivotal, deepening his appreciation for culinary arts and sharpening his skills in a high-pressure environment. While transitioning out of the professional culinary scene, he maintained his passion for cooking with a special love for Mexican cuisine's rich flavors and authenticity. For him, cooking remains a beloved hobby, allowing him to express creativity and maintain a connection to his roots.

Career Shift: Advancing in the Trades

In 2019, he marked a significant career shift when he joined Corporate Plumbing as a shop hand. His knack for practical, hands-on work quickly shone through, propelling him to a plumbing apprentice position with Local 130 in Chicago by 2021. This role satisfied his professional aspirations and brought personal fulfillment, allowing him to engage directly with craft and construction.

Passion for the Outdoors: Finding Solace in Nature

Apart from his indoor pursuits, Devan harbors a profound love for the outdoors. He treasures the time spent bass fishing, a hobby he picked up under his father's tutelage. Whether in humble ponds or vast lakes, these fishing trips are less about the catch and more about connecting with nature and reflecting on life's simple pleasures. He also enjoys other outdoor activities, including weightlifting, woodworking, and hiking, adding layers to his diverse hobbies and interests.

Community Engagement: A Commitment to Giving Back

His dedication is evident in his personal and professional life and his commitment to his community. He is an active contributor to his local church and a supporter of Lurie's Children's Hospital, where he helps make a difference in the lives of many. His philanthropic activities underscore his generosity and belief in the importance of community support and involvement.

Devan Bald, An Emblem of Resilience and Diversity

Devan Bald exemplifies what it means to live a life dedicated to growth, community, and personal passions. His journey from the sports fields of high school to the kitchens of bustling restaurants and onto the complex plumbing networks of Chicago highlights his diverse capabilities and steadfast spirit. He continues to inspire those around him by demonstrating that with hard work and dedication, one can navigate life's various paths with grace and vigor.

Portfolio :

Devan Bald

Devan Bald

Devan Bald is a man of many talents and passion for life. From life in Lake Forest, IL to the peaceful environment of Round Lake, IL