Flowing through the river of information

4 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Accessing the river of life and the river of information means living from your heart, your Highest Self, because your heart center is connected to your Highest Self. The fountain of information flows all around us. We have to be in our hearts — in our highest vibration — in order to see the fountain, in order to feel the fountain of energy that surrounds all of us.

Develop a state of mind and heart where your heart and third eye are both open, sensing the information but being unaffected by it. When you are in this state, then you can access the energy streams that surround you. We are talking about accessing the energy that physically surrounds you, as you go about your day.

One might call it intuition or subconscious feeling.

You might even argue that something is pulling you forward, some external force is relaying this information to you — what you call intuition. But in reality, if you are in the right state of heart and mind, if you are living in the moment, just being, without expectations or worries, then you are able to subconsciously access, identify, and follow (or attract) the path of least resistance, or the higher vibrational streams.

Imagine you are standing in a vineyard, there are rows and rows of plants. Which row or path should you walk down?
You say — this one FEELS right.
When you stop thinking and start feeling by opening your heart and sensing from your heart, then you are letting go of expectations and are identifying the streams of energy that are at resonance with your heart center. Identifying these resonant streams and choosing to follow them will help you live a more fulfilling and flowing life.

When making decisions, choose from the heart. Feel what you are truly feeling before making decisions, choose from the heart. Feel what you are truly feeling before you make your choice. Let your heart lead the way.

This doesn’t mean that you will not experience hardships or painful experiences. But living from your heart center will help you heal faster and move forward, flowing freely versus being stuck and not letting go. Sometimes choosing the heart over common sense may lead to pain and suffering for you and others. But always choose the heart. Your choice may lead to a karmic situation that you had to go through, that others signed up to be a part of. Life is not all fun and games. We are also here to learn, to experience and to grow.
As a more developed soul, if you are in a higher state of consciousness, a higher state of vibration, you may be able to sense the ripple effects of your choice, the energy vibrations that will come about of you choosing a particular stream. Then it is free will, choosing to follow the path, or choosing to back away. You may need to repeat that experience in another lifetime, or sometimes it can even lead to a clearing of karma, an erasing.

Be the light to dispel darkness
The river of information flows through you, flows all around you. The river of information contains all the energy in the Universe, all the energy that came from God, that is God, that will be of God. Thus, the river of information also contains all that is God–all that is light and all that is not light. Because dark came from light. Dark is the absence of light. The river of information does not differentiate based on the levels of light contained within an energy source. It just exists as a repository of all energy across the Universe, all God energy.
The river of information flows through you, flows around you. The river of information is alive. Remember that all energy is alive, all energy has cosmic consciousness, all energy has cosmic intelligence. Thus, the same way that you are able to access energy streams from within the river of information, in the same vein, energy from within the river of information can be attracted to or want to be closer to, to be curious about, other energies within the river of information.
You are an energy source flowing within the river of information too. Thus, there are times when energy sources from light and dark may rub paths together. When this happens, one must always remember that even dark energy comes from God, and they fear God’s judgment. They fear light and they fear love, because they have forgotten what it is to be love and light. So the trick is to be love and the trick is to be light. Be what they fear so that they will bow down to the God light you carry within you, because you are light, and you are God.

Close your eyes, open your heart and follow the energy stream in the river of information that feels just right.

