Smart waste management using IoT

Bali Chowdry
3 min readNov 9, 2023


Currently, waste collection systems are in most cases outdated and result in increased carbon footprint, time & cost, environmental pollution, and pick-ups that are unnecessary or on the contrary — long overdue. Unnecessary pickups result in 70% higher annual collection costs. When routes are planned inefficiently, congestion is created, and more fuel is required to complete the collection. Overall, this contributes to a 50% higher carbon footprint

Getting “smart” means being effective and considerate. Smart waste management helps municipalities and communities reduce their carbon footprint and adopt more environmentally friendly collection routes, contributing to the reduction of gas emissions in the city, reducing their operations costs, and improving daily life.

Future of Waste Management
Benefits of Smart Waste Management

RealCube smart waste management (Our Product RealCube)
using IoT enables cities and Communities to manage their waste efficiently, be more environmentally responsible by reducing their carbon footprint, and improve the well-being of people. The advantages of smart dustbin solutions combine unique ultrasonic Smart Sensors that monitor waste in real-time with sophisticated software providing cities, communities, and businesses with digital transformation, data-driven decision-making, effective waste management in the community, and optimization of waste collection routes, frequencies, and vehicle loads.


At the core of smart dustbin technology is a series of wireless ultrasonic sensors that detect fill levels. The IoT devices communicate waste data to sanitation department workers in real-time. Workers can then use the insights from this data to make decisions on waste management adjustments. The adoption of these intelligent waste management solutions will promote a cleaner and safer environment for smart cities. Ultimately, this technology will utilize garbage trucks where they are needed most and reduce wasted trips, lowering emissions and, thus, creating an eco-friendly solution.

Technical Diagram

With the use of our IoT-based smart garbage monitoring system for waste management


Most collection issues can be solved by creating a more efficient pathway for garbage trucks. IoT sensor technology can be used to indicate when emptying is needed. This customized and dynamic system for waste management can allow communities, businesses, organizations, and citizens to all benefits.

Bin Empty Criteria ~ POC Features
Waste Collector App
Dashboard (Alerts, Analytics, Map View, Bin Location etc)

We did a POC for this below is the attached video link



Bali Chowdry

#SoftwareCraftsman #SolutionArchitect #MobileDevelopment #EngineeringManagerMobile #MobileLead