11 Most Exotic Cats

Balimar Lily
7 min readApr 25, 2023
Exotic cat (bigstock photo)

Whether you are looking for a new feline companion, or just enjoy learning new and interesting facts about our amazing four-legged furry friends, it is fair to guess you would like to find out more about the unusual cat breeds in the world. That is the reason why we compiled this list of 11 most exotic cats for you.

1. Cornish Rex

Because of its unusually large ears, slim body, aristocratic appearance and amazingly soft coat, the Cornish Rex is one of the most favorite exotic cat breeds. Its soft coat also has one trait you don’t expect to see on any cat — it is curly! But, its majestic coat also provides a disadvantage for this breed, as it is very sensitive to extreme weather conditions, making the Cornish Rex the real house cat.

These felines will always look for a warm place to lie in and they are known to love to sneak into the bed of its human owners. Cornish Rex is also great with children because of its fun-loving and playful personality. The only thing some people don’t like about the Cornish Rex is that this breed has smelly feet — they smell like cheese because of a gland that has developed.

2. Munchkin

Munchkins have a notoriously cute appearance because of their chunky bodies and almost unbelievably short legs. These distinctive legs are a result of genetic mutation, which sadly gives them a lot of problems. Firstly, they are very difficult to breed, because kittens who carry two copies of the Munchkin gene don’t survive. Also, they are sometimes known to have spinal deformities and sunken chests.

Amazingly, all of this doesn’t stop Munchkins to jump, run, play around and most importantly — shower their human family with love and affection just like all the other cat breeds. Their kittens are also known to adopt some of the traits of other breeds they mate with, but will remain to be short-legged, just like one of the parents.

3. Sphynx

Sphynxs is at the same time one of the most liked and disliked cat breeds because of their truly unique appearance. The alien-looking Sphynx has a long, slim body and large ears, but what sets this cat from all the others is its fur, or the lack of it. Because of this feature, the Sphynx is really sensitive to any temperature change, as it gets both cold and hot very fast.

Therefore, this feline breed requires to be kept inside a home. Also, because of being furless, the Sphynx will need to be bathed on a regular basis. But, even though this cat requires a lot of attention from the owners, having the Sphynx as a pet is so worth the trouble. This feline is very affectionate and loyal to its owners, in addition to always being up to playing and jumping around the house.

4. Teacup Persian

If there was a ranking for fluffiness and cuteness of animals, the Teacup Persian would definitely be one of the favorites for the leading position. They are smaller in size as the regular Persian cats (hence the “Teacup” addition to the name) and they basically look like soft furry balls with two curious large eyes.

But, if anyone thought the Teacup Persian is only popular because of its appearance, he or she would be very wrong. What makes this cat so lovable is its nature. The Teacup Persian enjoys cuddling and being petted by humans, and can often be surprisingly full of energy. It is also known as one of the breeds which retain kitten-like behavior much longer than other cats.

5. Scottish Fold

The first thing that pops to mind when looking at a Scottish Fold is how owl-like it looks. Of course, this is due to the naturally folded ears this breed has, but also because of its big and round eyes. In addition, Scottish Fold cats have very soft and dense fur, which makes them look even more appealing to their owners.

Interestingly, the look is not the only thing which separates this cat from the others, because it meows and purrs a bit differently. Also, its behavior sometimes resembles more that of a dog in terms that Scottish Fold loves being around members of its human family so much that this feline will often follow them around the house. They are loyal and like expressing their affection for the owners in the usual way cats do that — by cuddling and purring all the time.

6. Turkish Angora

Originated several centuries ago in central Turkey, Angoras are known to be one of the natural breeds of cats, and have changed only a little in appearance since then. And why would they? This is one of the most beautiful and elegant feline species in the world. Famous for their long, silky and usually white coats and fluffy tails, Angoras also have beautiful eyes which can often be odd-eyed (for instance, one blue and one yellow).

These felines are very intelligent and athletic. Angoras love to climb trees, or furniture if kept indoors, in order to acquire perfect positions for observing what happens around. Interestingly, even though they are playful around most people, they tend to pick their “favorite human” who they then follow around and show much more affection than for all the others. They are also very protective and possessive of that person.

7. Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail is not only on this list because of the country of its origin, but also because of its unusual short tail. Although this breed is an ancient one having appeared more than four centuries ago, it is very rare. It is therefore considered to bring good luck to any family fortunate enough to own the Japanese Bobtail.

A perfect family cat who loves being the center of attention of the whole household, this feline is very energetic and playful. Japanese Bobcat requires almost no grooming at all, and acts very friendly around small children and other animals. Also, it is very popular with farmers, because of its amazing hunting skills which will keep mice and other rodents far away.

8. KhaoManee

These majestic cats come from Thailand. Their name (“White Gem”) almost perfectly describes how beautiful they look with the pearly white coat, shiny eyes (which are often odd-eyed) and pink paw pads. KhaoManees are becoming increasingly popular not just because of their beautiful looks, but also because of their personalities.

This breed is as active and energetic as most cats, but it is their intelligence that gives them an advantage. KhaoManees easily learn how to get what they want through communication with the owners. They can be very vocal and can accurately “explain” what they require from their human family members. Of course, KhaoManees know how to reward good behavior of their owners by being ready to cuddle at any time of day.

9. Bengal

There are several cat breeds which, despite their “wild” looks act just like any ordinary house cat. Bengal is not one of those breeds. As a result of crossing of domestic cat with an Asian Leopard Cat, Bengals are highly active and energetic, just like their wild ancestors. They especially enjoy climbing on top of everything in their close environments.

On the other hand, they are playful, smart and affectionate enough to be a great pets for owners who enjoy being constantly on the move. On the other hand, Bengals are also known for the amazingly shaped black markings which cover every part of their yellow coats. Those markings very much resemble the ones of tigers and leopards, which makes them very interesting to look at.

10. LaPerm

LaPerm is a fairly new breed of cats, having originated in 1980’s. This feline’s main trait is the beautiful wavy and curly coat, which can be long or short, and can come in many different colors. LaPerm’s unusual soft coat is very easy to maintain, unlike the ones found on many similar-looking breeds.

These cats have great personality, and are even considered to have a sense of humor because they are known to purposely commit mischief in order to get the attention they naturally feel they deserve. LaPerms love being close to people, and they are more likely to enjoy sitting in the lap of their owner than playing around with toys or other cats. They will also often purr simply because their owner just walked into the room, which makes them even more adorable.

11. Savannah Cat

One of the largest domestic cats, Savannah Cat is a cross of domestic shorthair and a Serval (African wild cat). It is not recommended to keep this feline indoors, not only because of its size, but also because it is very active and energetic. Savannah can jump higher and further than any other domestic breed, and can even jump over some of the taller NBA players from a standstill.

Savannah Cat kept another thing from its African origins — it can create a noise which imitates snake hiss as a warning when threatened. This cat can also spin its ears 360 degrees, just like modern radars. It is considered “too wild” and banned in several American states. But, despite the wild roots, these cats can be extremely loyal and affectionate, and enjoy playing around just like any ordinary cat breed.



Balimar Lily

Affiliate marketer in the making https://linktr.ee/balimarlily Independent blog writer interested in life.