Interview with Daniel Dabek, the CEO of Balkaneum

Official SafeX
6 min readApr 30, 2018


Who is Daniel Dabek?

Daniel is a software engineer, diplomat, and economist. He is the founder of Safex a marketplace that exists on a blockchain that allows people to buy and sell goods and services in exchange for the cryptocurrency. He is a representative from Liberland, the earth’s youngest nation, to Serbia; this country is significantly invested in the new democracy made possible because of blockchain and global decentralized technology. And he is a seasoned financial market analyst and economist, he is a leader in forming sustainable ecosystems due to economic analysis and strategy.

How did you end up in the world of cryptocurrencies?

My first encounter with cryptocurrencies was through Bitcoin. I was interested to import products from abroad and the biggest issue was making a payment. This is when I began to google about sending payments and found the advertisement for buying Bitcoins. Then I found people online who are producing software and accepting Bitcoins which is what really got me immersed in the community, where I would send Bitcoins as payment and receive software which I would promote or sell to others. The ease of forming the payment and the ease of the guys who I paid with the Bitcoins they had 100% guarantee that they got the money and I can’t take it back, unlike with the banks where you can have transactions reversed. Then finally you can always send the transaction whether it is night or day or even on the weekend 24/7. Like this, I was able to form a trustworthy relationship with the team of developers.

What brought you to Belgrade? Why did you choose the capital of Serbia for your business?

I was living in San Francisco for 3 years before moving to Belgrade. I had heard about the settlement of Liberland in 2015, and from that point forward I was focused on moving to Europe. Six months later I had already moved to Europe and was researching the most developed nearby city to Liberland which I had determined to be Belgrade. Having spent now two years among the locals I’ve grown to love where I am and the fact that we are just 200 km south of Liberland in the beautiful city. There is a flourishing group of talented people and I wanted to continue to bring the best opportunities and bring a new vibe that I’ve acquired from San Francisco and New York City. Additionally, my heritage is Polish, and I am a fluent speaker and so the Slavic culture is something I really resonate with as well.

View of Belgrade from Balkaneum’s office

What is Safex? What is the purpose of Safex?

Safex is a marketplace built upon a blockchain that allows you to buy and sell goods and services in exchange for the cryptocurrency. Safex brings a commercial use case to cryptocurrency. The same way that I immersed myself in the community by making commerce this is what we are bringing to everyday people. Opening the world to everyone because cryptocurrency expands your reach. No longer are you impaired by banking connections, the difficulty of payment, all the things that come with middlemen and banking system. Cryptocurrency makes highly available and ease of payment. So you can now trade with people you could never have done before.

Why is Safex better than all other cryptocurrencies?

Most cryptocurrencies have a poorly executed money supply algorithm. Like in all economies, money has to be produced and distributed. In all cryptocurrencies besides Safex, the coins are distributed in a very primitive way. This is not true for Safex. We have researched the issues and have implemented, simple, yet a logical solution that fits in with nature. This means that you are not buying cryptocurrency from people who got them before you, and for a hugely inflated price. Safex is designed to be used in commerce, and not for speculators. This means stable price and usefulness.

Find out how Safex works by watching this video

How the development of Safex is progressing and when will it be available to the costumers?

Safex recently completed a partnership with a blockchain development company named Balkaneum, and there is now a dedicated team working towards its completion, full time. We expect that during the summer the Safex Marketplace will be launched and operational.

How do you see the future of cryptocurrencies, who are the future users of Safex?

I see that cryptocurrency is the next stage on the internet. The banking system and credit cards/debit cards and online banking are significantly primitive. The cryptocurrencies are the only suitable method for transactions over the world wide web. Therefore, I see that people become educated and begin to use cryptocurrency far and wide over the next 15 years. The future users are the new generations who are becoming exposed to digital devices from early ages, they will be completely immersed in cryptocurrency commerce. So over time this phenomenon will take over the world, and make it a better, faster, more connected place to trade in and make things happen since materials and intellectual property will be traded on demand due to less friction when it comes to forming the intent to pay.

Do you plan to develop any new cryptocurrency?

At this stage, we are implementing the leading cryptocurrency for commerce Safex. If in the future we find new segments that support our mission of worldwide cryptocurrency commerce, we will probably pursue them.

How did you choose the Balkaneum team? Which personnel you lack?

Balkaneum is formed because of enthusiastic professional people. The team that exists so far today are each fanatical about the changes that are being brought because of blockchain and cryptocurrency and they see themselves as leaders in a more connected free world. We are currently hiring creative people who want to learn about this technology and introduce it in novel ways, as well as developers who are interested in reaching outwards to new technologies and become accomplished in a new leading industry. This company is full of new challenges that for the right people are opportunities to learn, earn, and grow for themselves, their family, and people from all around the world.

Balkaneum team

What is blockchain?

The blockchain is an architecture in software, a design pattern that allows you to record information in such a way that the series of changes can be verified by anyone. This means that you can check that what is happening now whether it is the transfer of balances or transfer of information; that it has a basis that is recorded in history.

This interview was originally published on Serbian news portal Digitalna Srbija

For more answers about Safex watch this video

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If you want to buy Safex Tokens prior to the Safex Blockchain launch you can do so on this link: Get Safex



Official SafeX

Safex is an open-source company engaged in the development of blockchain technology and the SafeX Blockchain