Episode #19 — BALLS-IN Web2 & Web3 Ads: Game Development (Part 6)

6 min readApr 21, 2023


GM! In the previous episode, we explained our tech progress and our complete partnership with Z-MONSTER, the cute NFT (PFP) monster that we integrated into BALLS-IN.

To build our MVP, we chose the Sealand universe.
There are 11 Lands in the BALLS-IN game, each land featuring 4 maps.

Sealand is our playground that validated our Proof of Concept.
In this ocean where we are learning to swim better and build our ship, we are trying things out, experimenting, and measuring metrics before we scale “to the moon”.

With over 8 years of experience in user acquisition, I will share some thoughts with you on advertising in Gaming Web2 vs Web3:

When developing a Web3 game, advertising aspect needs to be taken into account. To insert or not? If yes how? This is a sensitive subject.

But before we talk about Web3, how does it work in Web2?

In Web2, advertising networks are connected to the game and typically pay based on CPM (cost per thousand impressions). Revenue is generated based on the number of players, with higher revenue earned as the number of players increases.

However, players don’t just magically install the game themselves!
There are several ways to attract and acquire new users…
To simplify, there is organic traffic vs paid traffic.

Organic traffic: comes from expos, podcasts, articles, and top ranking on app stores. We believe organic traffic is “free,” but it’s not since it requires resources and time allocation. This traffic is of high quality as players come after discovering the project in depth, but it takes time, like website SEO. Therefore, in gaming, paid traffic is more widely used to achieve quick KPI results and adjust game features as quickly as possible based on player behavior.

Paid traffic: comes from advertising platforms such as Instagram Ads, Tik Tok Ads, etc. The game will be shown to a specific audience based on criteria that we choose, such as age, gender, interests, smartphone, etc. This is fast &powerful, but we need to know how to master the tools because it can quickly become very expensive. Many parameters need to be considered and are only acquired through experience.

A simple calculation: if we spend $1 to acquire 1 user, but the player doesn’t play enough or doesn’t stay, they will only earn us $0.50 by watching ads. And that’s where the drama begins: we lose $0.50 for each new player…

There are 2 solutions available to us:

  1. We can try to reduce the CPI from $€ to $0.30 using various techniques and there we earn 0.20€ per player (excluding in-app purchases) and let’s go to the moon to get 1,5,10 million on the stores.
  2. We can try to find out why the player is not staying (retention) or playing enough (playing time), and fix it. Some reasons could be bad gameplay, bugs, gameplay that is too hard or too easy, or a lack of daily quest systems, etc.

But I’m going to reveal the main problem:

-> It’s all the aggressive and excessive ads that appear every 30 seconds at the end of each game and ruin the user experience.

This is why many users uninstall the game.

This business model is losing steam, and it’s a good thing for users.

A player’s attention is now more valuable than a Bitcoin (just kidding). Imagine playing a game for several weeks, months or even years and then uninstalling it. During that time, your attention on the ads generated revenue, yet you received nothing in return.

Do you think it’s normal that your attention on ads generated revenues for the game developers while you received nothing in return, even after playing the game for weeks, months, or even years?

How can we insert ads in a Web3 game with a redistribution of the generated value to users?

It’s important to understand one thing: in a Web3 game, advertising is no longer the main business model. This is because it is replaced by the sales of NFT drops and percentage fees in our case.

When we are no longer dependent on a system, we can then innovate, and that’s what we decided to do on Sealand, our ocean of all possibilities:

We launched a contest on LinkedIn to offer immersive advertising space in BALLS-IN.

Result: 41 participants & 9 winners.

  1. This type of ads is no longer aggressive but is part of the game environment.
  2. Players will be paid for their playtime and ad views.

Below are some of the winners and why the synergies with BALLS-IN are interesting for our respective communities:

  • Disclaimer: Always conduct your own research before using a platform.
    We do not provide investment advice (NFA).


Ledgity is a crypto exchange focused on wealth management.

Our community will be able to organize, track and trade their digital assets with a French partner registered as a PSAN.

This crypto-exchange aims to educate its community on Web3 and crypto assets through gaming, which is easily accessible and understandable for everyone.


Legapass is an encrypted solution to secure your crypto-assets.

Our community will be able to benefit from this service with certain advantages to secure their crypto assets, particularly those won during BALLS-IN races.

Legapass wanted to get closer to a Web3 Gaming entity like Smoothy Labs and its game BALLS-IN to better understand the industry’s issues and improve their users’ experience.


The Arch is a community of enthusiasts that educates users about Web3.

Our community will benefit from the visibility of The Arch, particularly through its active community on Twitter and Discord, which discovers innovative projects with high potential for growth.

The Arch gains visibility through a strategic placement in BALLS-IN. Our Web2 players interested in learning about Blockchain & NFTs can join their community for free education with quality content.

eShot Labs x BALLS-IN

eShot Labs is the first “Real Time” NFT Maker.

BALLS-IN players will potentially be able to create their own NFTs using eShot Labs’ powerful technology.

eShot Labs is taking a step forward in the Web3 Gaming space by acquiring a BALLS-IN 1/1 Customized, which provides exclusive advantages both in the game and in the Smoothy Labs ecosystem that supports the project.

CodeNekt x BALLS-IN

CodeNekt is a solution that uses blockchain technology to track vehicle maintenance and technical and administrative deadlines.

Our community of Racers, who value transparency and data traceability, will be able to replicate this process in real life with their cars using CodeNekt’s blockchain-based solution for tracking maintenance and technical/administrative deadlines.

CodeNekt, as a tech company well established in the automotive industry, wanted to add a new dimension to its services by offering a gaming experience with a simple, effective, and fun web3 racing game to its users.

If you think that your Web3 or friend project belongs in theBALLS-IN game with a real value proposition, DM here.

BALLS-IN will soon announce its 1st FREE NFT drop!

If you want to be part of the adventure in your own way, contact the team and follow our Twitter to stay informed of upcoming news and deadlines.

Website: https://www.balls-in.xyz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ballsingame
FR Version: https://medium.com/@balls-in-fr

See you Racers! 🔴💨

