Episode #3 — BALLS-IN: Game Development (part 1)

2 min readAug 8, 2022


During our trip in Lisboa we received some feedback:

- People like our 1st NFTs Collection
- The Deck must be improved
- The community must be developed
- We must anticipate technical elements
- Think about the legal aspect of P2E
- Think about different financing methods

But people ask us one question all the time:

👉 “Can I play the game?”

Screenshots are fine but people want to play.

Now the 1st Collection + Smart-contract are ok : we decided to start the development of the game.

Our goal: to get an Alpha Version to show the gameplay.

The 1st part of the development is the pre-prod.

During this stage we are on research, tests, we look for inspiration…

2D Sketch Research

It is with this 2D Version that we have created 10 000 NFTs of the first free collection:

BALLS-IN more or less rare : cryptos, countries, colors !

Now we have to transform each BALLS-IN 2D in 3D to be able to play with it in-game:

Evolution of BALLS-IN

And then, we integrate 3D BALLS-IN in Unity:

Unity: cross-platform video game engine

In an upcoming article “Game Development (part 2)” you will discover the beginning of the development phase.

If you think it’s cool to see behind the scenes of a blockchain game!

Tell us in comments here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cyril-neo_%C3%A9pisode-3-balls-in-d%C3%A9veloppement-du-activity-6962320649772007424-1KcA?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web

It’ll make us super happy 😀

In the next episode, you will know more about our 1st Web3 event…

Website: https://www.balls-in.xyz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ballsingame
FR Version: https://medium.com/@balls-in-fr

See you Racers! 🔴💨

