Episode #7 — BALLS-IN x NFT Biarritz

5 min readAug 27, 2022


In this episode you will relive or discover NFT Biarritz !

You will see how our gaming studio web3 lived the adventure from the inside…

Everything starts with 09H of train.
Because yes, we are determined.
I leave with 2 builders from Marseille:

Cyril BALLS-IN / Alex Rinverse / Julien HGC

We arrive finally at the Airbnb and we organize ourselves for NFT Biarritz the next morning:

We check conferences, workshops + appointments

In our project we always want to mix work/pleasure.
We take advantage to discover new landscapes:

Making a beautiful photo is like building a game: simple, beautiful + generate an emotion

As we walk a lot, we are hungry & thirsty!
Instead of eating solo, we try to organize an improvised Web3 party:

1 LinkedIN post = 25 people IRL

Very quickly the restaurant has no more place to welcome us and we make very interesting meetings! As with Isaure de PBWS, Théo du Navire & Maxime du Wine Bottle Club

At that moment, I have a great discussion with Aymeric Blockchain Project Manager for Groupe Casino about data privacy. He loves also to connect to the Wifi on the train :)

The next morning, it’s time for NFT Biarritz!
As soon as we arrived we noticed: good organization + very cool place

Franck, the founder of NFT Biarritz & CTO OpenGem makes a great introduction by simplifying very well the blockchain & the Web3:

A punchy pitch accessible even to beginners

It’s now time for the Conferences & Workshops!

I’ll focus on some of the talks I enjoyed related to our blockchain racing game.

  • Conference 1:

I had a very cool discussion with Fabien from eShot Labs about Gaming and with Abby (Prev NBA Top Shot) who responded to my answer about the partnership between FIFA and Algorand blockchain.

  • Conference 2:

During this debate, I appreciated the vision of TokenBrice: the focus should be on the gameplay to create a good gaming experience. This is our N°1 priority at BALLS-IN, the player must have fun and come to have fun.

Bilal CTO of Dogami explained in a very relevant way the interoperability of blockchain games. In particular with technical details about cross-chain, token standards and compatibility with video game engines like Unity that we use & Unreal Engine.

  • Conferences & Workshop - hosted by Karen & Guillaume from Doors3 and John Karp (or Jean Karp) with the translator of the website where we laughed about it :)

Between conferences, I meet and talk with very smart people who gave me good feedback on our blockchain game:

  • David Song from Rosie Labs based in NYC: we discussed gaming in the US playgrounds, it was very interesting to learn more
  • Peiyao Qiu: previously at Homa Games and now at PyratzLabs: gave me good advice to improve the game
  • Stanislas Mako Co-founder and CEO at uTip & Kalart: which offers a simple NFT platform accessible to all without crypto as it is the case for our BALLS-IN Game
  • Julien Ranquere Co-founder of Tailor-NFT: we discussed start-up & financing but also gaming to improve the customer experience especially in the event industry
  • Benjamin Arthuys Co-founder of Ternoa: we talked about L1 blockchains, the positioning of their blockchain and gaming

Thanks to you because with our discussions we will improve our product.

And thanks to the victory of Anastasia Angelova from nameless.io & Ivan Fartunov from Aragon, I also discovered the Bitcoin Wine!

Wine Bottle Club NFT

To finish the evening, go to the DeFi France event.

The conference where I learned the most:

At this event, I was happy to meet Rémi Blaise CTO of PayFoot and who works on other exciting blockchain projects.

To finish, last event the next morning at the Lighthouse of Biarritz:

During this breakfast, it was great to meet Marouane from TheDiggers, Jordan from The Lucky Bones and to have an in-depth discussion with Mehdi from B4Blabs about the evolution from Web1 to Web3.

As soon as I had the opportunity, I put forward the Club Web3 Azzura and the Blockchain Innov association where I am a member & VP in order to contribute in my own way to the expansion of web3 on the French Riviera even if the Basque Coast is just as great! 🌊

A simple & effective conclusion

Negative points:
- Discussions sometimes abbreviated due to the context of the event
- Making choices between workshops, conferences or networking
- Very tired

Positives points:
- Good spirit of the Web3 community
- Cool to see contacts again + enlarge the network
- Have feedbacks on the game

It’s time for us to go because we have to finish the development of the Alpha Version of our Game for September.

Excited to see what’s next with the Surfin’Bitcoin through social networks :

If you discovered us via this article and want to know more about our project and our adventure, you can click here 👀

See you soon in the next episode…

Website: https://www.balls-in.xyz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ballsingame
FR Version: https://medium.com/@balls-in-fr

See you Racers! 🔴💨

