Monastery of Temptation

2 min readOct 21, 2016


Mount of Temptation — Jericho

My trip to Jerusalem in 2011 took me to The Mount of Temptation in Jericho. My thoughts BREATHTAKING.

The History behind this is just wonderful, where Jesus spent Forty Days & Nights. I stood in the queue for a short time while waiting for the Cable Car to come back down from the Mountain to take me up.

Butterflies in my stomach with excitement I just couldn’t wait but at the same time feeling a little apprehensive because I don’t do heights, but there was no way I would have missed this opportunity.

Once up there I had quite a few stairs to climb which I have to say by the time I got to the top it felt like I had just run a Marathon. Once inside I had forgotten about the “Jelly Legs” but did go straight for the water as my mouth was so dry, the smell inside I didn’t mind at all because it smelt like a dusty old cellar (A smell I simply Love) Yep, I can just see your faces now as you think “What”

There were lots of doors too, some though I couldn’t enter, if my memory serves me correct I think some of the Greek Orthodox actually still lived there.

The Mount is 350 Metre’s above Sea Level and the view of the City of Jericho is Outstanding, It currently serves as a tourist attraction and its land is under the full jurisdiction of the Palestinian National Authority, but the monastery is owned and managed by the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem.

Again I would highly recommend that you visit if given the chance. Sadly many people think that Jerusalem is the on the other side of the world, but in fact its only around Five hours flight from the UK.

It’s not an expensive flight either although the Hotel’s can be somewhat expensive but certainly worth saving for a year in order to go and appreciate its beauty.


