How Anime & Video Games Can Make Copywriters Rich

Balsam El Glaoui
2 min readJun 30, 2023

If you’re a copywriter whose natural habitat is a late-night anime binge or an epic gaming session, don’t fret.

Your entertainment of choice is more than just fun and games — it’s a hidden source of pro-level copywriting inspiration.

Or at least what a came up with as a anime/gaming fan.

Storytelling Like a Game Boss:

Think of your favorite anime or video game. Got it?

Now, imagine ripping out the coolest parts and using them to power-up your email/ad hooks.

Just like how Attack on Titan hooks us with its cliffhangers, your email can reel in prospects with intense open loops at the end, that way they are conditioned to anticipate future emails.

Emotional triggers:

Remember the thrill of your favorite hero’s victory in My Hero Academia?

Or the heart-squeezing, jaw breaking f*cking moments in The Last of Us?

Great Anime and video games are masters at triggering emotions, and you can use the same psychological hacks to create emotional bonds with your audience…

Turning reading your copy into a roller coster of emotion, eliciting what the hell you want your prospects to do.

Creative Ammo:

Anime and video games are like an unlimited cheat code for creative inspiration.

Borrow futuristic ideas from Ghost in the Shell or quirky problem-solving from Portal to invigorate your copy.

When your concepts are as unique as a teleporting slice of cake, you’re sure to stand out in the inbox.

Have your notes ready when playing or watching an episode, I promise you, you’re getting at least 1 hook/big idea/selling point per gaming/anime session.

Wrap Up:

Being an anime-loving, game-playing copywriter isn’t just a fun combo — it’s a hack.

To all my gamers and anime lovers out there, don’t let your fun time be pure entertainment, make money while doing so, cause why the hell not?

P.S: Here are some animes/videos games that gave me the most copy ideas (and yes, some converted extremely well in different market)

Anime: (Attack on Titan — hunterxhunter — Dead note — Baki — Code Geass — Promised neverland — Cowboy Bebop…)

Games: (Uncharted — Destiny 2 — Resident evil remakes — Read Dead Redemption — The Last of us…)



Balsam El Glaoui

Generated $1.8MM in combined Revenue for clients, Send me a quick message if you need some copy, want to split test mine against yours.