5 essential Figma plugins that power product design at Deliveroo

Brooke Altman
Deliveroo Design
3 min readAug 13, 2022


  1. Propstar

Propstar makes it easy to quickly organize component instances into a clear, labelled table. Not only does it make my specs look great, it also helps me identify any variant combinations I may have missed while designing.

2. Autoflow

As the name suggests, Autoflow makes connecting screens in a flow quick and simple.

GIF showing how Autoflow automatically creates arrows to connect screens

3. Hemingway

Ever wonder if your copy is grammatically correct? Hemingway scans your text for instances of passive voice and complex phrasing. You can also use it in your browser for help outside of Figma.

4. Phrase

At Deliveroo, we strive to create hyper local experiences for all of our users across multiple languages and platforms. We use Phrase to manage content and localization across our 10+ markets.

English ➡️ French

Phrase allows us to easily keep track of all content that needs translating and localizing in one place in a way that seamlessly integrates with the engineering team's processes. We create key names for pieces of content that can then be pushed to Phrase for translating and pulled back into Figma to provide a single source of truth for developers that they use in their codebase.

5. Contrast

Contrast checks whether designs are accessible based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) by comparing the background color of a layer selection.

Showing how the Contrast plugin works

I hope you found these tips helpful. If you’re interested in learning more about the awesome work we do at on the Deliveroo Experience team, feel free to reach out.

I love to talk about my process and help new designers get into the industry. I’ve already mentored 2 young women through the first phase of their design careers with 6 month programs on Femme Palette; I couldn’t recommend the platform enough.

If you’re serious about starting a career in design and tech, apply.



Brooke Altman
Deliveroo Design

Designer @Personio. Previously @Bumble, @Deliveroo, @Clearstep, @ustwo, @jakt, @winespectator