Building a Microservices Ecosystem: Setting Up Eureka Server with Spring Boot

4 min readDec 17, 2023


In the era of distributed systems and microservices, service discovery plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless communication between services. Netflix Eureka, a robust and open-source service registry, is a popular choice for implementing service discovery. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Eureka Server using Spring Boot, laying the foundation for a scalable and resilient microservices architecture.


Microservices architecture has become the de facto choice for building modern, scalable applications. Service discovery, a key aspect of microservices, enables services to locate and communicate with each other dynamically. Netflix Eureka, a part of the Netflix OSS ecosystem, provides a powerful solution for service registration and discovery. When integrated with Spring Boot, Eureka simplifies the implementation of a service registry, allowing microservices to easily find and interact with one another.


Before diving into the setup process, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) — Version 8 or later
  2. Maven or Gradle — Build tools for managing dependencies and building projects

Setting Up Eureka Server with Spring Boot

Step 1: Create a New Spring Boot Project

Use the Spring Initializer to create a new Spring Boot project with the following dependencies:

  • Spring Web: Enables the development of web applications, essential for creating RESTful services.
  • Eureka Server: Includes the necessary dependencies for setting up Eureka Server.

Step 2: Configure Eureka Server

In your Spring Boot project, create a class annotated with @SpringBootApplication and include the @EnableEurekaServer annotation to configure Eureka Server:

public class EurekaServerApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

This class serves as the entry point for your Eureka Server application.

Step 3: Application Properties

Configure your Eureka Server by adding the following properties in the or application.yml file:


These properties specify the port on which the Eureka Server will run and disable the server’s registration and fetching capabilities as it doesn’t register itself.

Step 4: Run the Eureka Server

Build and run your Eureka Server application. Navigate to http://localhost:8761 in your web browser, and you should see the Eureka Server dashboard.

Step 5: Integrate Eureka Client in Microservices

To leverage the Eureka Server, integrate the Eureka client in your microservices. In each microservice’s project, include the spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client dependency. Additionally, configure the microservice to register itself with the Eureka Server:

# in microservice

Replace your-microservice-name with the actual name of your microservice.

Step 6: Run Microservices

Build and run your microservices. They will register themselves with the Eureka Server, making their endpoints discoverable by other microservices.

Testing Eureka Server and Microservices

  1. Access the Eureka Server dashboard at http://localhost:8761 to verify that your microservices are registered.
  2. Check the Eureka Server logs for registration and heartbeat messages from your microservices.
  3. Explore the Eureka Server API to view registered instances: http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps.
  4. In your microservices, make HTTP requests to other services using their registered names instead of hardcoding IP addresses.


  • Dynamic Service Registration:

Eureka allows microservices to dynamically register themselves with the service registry. This dynamic registration ensures that the service registry is always up to date, accommodating changes in the microservices landscape without manual intervention.

  • Service Discovery:

Eureka facilitates service discovery, allowing microservices to locate and communicate with each other. Services can query the Eureka Server to discover the network locations (IP addresses and ports) of other services, promoting a flexible and adaptive architecture.

  • Load Balancing:

Eureka Server integrates seamlessly with load balancers, distributing incoming requests across multiple instances of a microservice. This improves the overall system performance, enhances resource utilization, and provides fault tolerance by preventing any single service instance from becoming a bottleneck.

  • High Availability:

Eureka Server itself can be set up in a highly available configuration with multiple instances running in a cluster. This ensures that even if one instance goes down, others continue to serve service registration and discovery requests, contributing to the overall system’s resilience.

  • Health Monitoring:

Eureka Server includes health monitoring features, allowing it to track the status of registered microservices. Microservices periodically send heartbeats to Eureka, and if a service instance fails to send heartbeats within a specified timeframe, Eureka marks it as out of service, preventing traffic from being routed to the unhealthy instance.


Setting up a Eureka Server with Spring Boot is a fundamental step in building a microservices architecture. Eureka provides a reliable service registry, enabling dynamic service discovery and fostering communication between microservices. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ve established a foundation for creating a scalable, resilient, and easily maintainable microservices ecosystem. As you continue to expand your microservices landscape, consider exploring additional Spring Cloud components and best practices to enhance the capabilities of your distributed system. Embrace the power of Eureka and Spring Boot to navigate the complexities of microservices with confidence and efficiency. Happy coding!

