Podcast Launch Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide with Social Media Promotion

Brianna Ansaldo
5 min readMay 14, 2024


I’ve seen so many new podcasts launch with next to no promotion behind them.

Then they wonder why they didn’t receive as many downloads as they thought they should have.

They’ve told their friends and family, put a few graphics or videos out across social media, and they feel like that’s plenty.

But it lands a little softer than they anticipated.

There are also podcasters out there that are so nervous about putting their show out, that they don’t want to promote it.

And that’s all well and good if you’re just testing the waters, or you don’t really want anyone to know about your show until you feel like you’ve found your feet.

But I’m not talking to that podcaster here.

I’m talking to the podcaster who wants to make the most of their new podcast launch. The podcaster who wants to make sure they squeeze as much out of their launch as possible, without spending money on ads or other paid strategies.

This is purely a strategy for those of you who want to use social media, email marketing and good ol’ fashioned word of mouth to help promote their new podcast.

So, here’s the exact strategy I recommend to our clients, and we use ourselves here at Bamby Media.

The Pre-Launch Hype Machine (3 Weeks Out):

  • Fuel the Mystery Machine: Don’t reveal your podcast’s name just yet! Instead, pique your audience’s curiosity on LinkedIn, X, and even industry community groups that you are a part of (Discord, Facebook, Reddit etc). Post captivating graphics or invite followers to guess the name to spark engagement.
  • Behind the Scenes Access: Share exclusive snippets! Offer glimpses into the recording process, guest interviews, or the creation of your podcast art. This humanises your brand and builds anticipation for the big reveal.
  • Landing Page For Your Podcast: If you’re website-less, consider a simple landing page through your podcast hosting platform. This allows potential listeners to learn more and subscribe before launch day.

Unveiling the Masterpiece (2 Weeks Out):

  • The Big Name Drop: Make a splash by announcing your podcast’s name! Create eye-catching visuals or short videos to generate excitement and introduce your brand.
  • What’s Your Story?: In a nutshell, explain your podcast’s purpose. Who is your target audience? What topics will you get into? What emotions or feelings are you hoping for? Aim to connect with your ideal listener on a personal level.
  • Community Engagement is King: Run interactive polls or contests to encourage audience participation. Offer a chance to be featured on the first episode or receive a 1:1 consultation with you in exchange for social media shares and follows.
  • Launch Party Hype: Announce a virtual launch party to build anticipation, even if it’s a small online gathering. A party is always a good time, and it doesn’t have to be a big huge deal, it can just be family and friends but when you share glimpses of it on social media, you’re creating hype no matter the size.

Launch Week: Show Time!

  • Be Organised: Ensure you have high-quality graphics, video snippets and a trailer episode ready to be scheduled across social media platforms throughout the week. Consider peak engagement times for each platform that you’re planning to post to.
  • Trailer: Release a short, captivating trailer episode (ideally a few days before launch) that provides a concise overview of the show and what people can expect. We break down the different types of podcast trailers that you can do here.

Launch Day

  • Big Announcement, Bigger Celebration: Share the first episode with an enthusiastic announcement across all your social media channels and email newsletter. Include an eye-catching graphic or video snippet to grab attention.
  • Story Time: Utilise stories on platforms like Instagram and TikTok to personally announce the launch with excitement and authenticity.

This is the place to share your vulnerability around any feelings you have about launching your show, and who you hope it helps.

Episode Release Strategy:

  • Day 1: Release both episodes one and two on launch day to give listeners a chance to binge. Your trailer episode will already be live from a few days beforehand.
  • Day 2: Follow with episode three the next day and episode
  • Day 3: Take a break from releasing anything on this day.
  • Day 4: Episode four should be released today and make sure to be reminding your audience on social media that you have episodes ready to binge.
  • Day 5: Take a break on day five to allow listeners to catch up and engage with existing episodes without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Day 6/7: Release at least one more episode before the end of launch week if you have enough episodes in the bank. This creates a really great slate of episodes for your listeners to enjoy, and they’ll be more likely to subscribe to your show if they’ve heard multiple episodes.
  • Tracking Your Numbers: Track your download numbers and chart rankings (particularly on Chartable) throughout the week. While vanity metrics are valuable for initial interest, remember that podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Feedback: Throughout the launch week encourage feedback from listeners. Ask them for their thoughts and suggestions for future content to show you value their opinions and foster a sense of community.

Key Takeaways for Podcasters:

  • Planning is Power: Don’t wing it! Organise and strategise your launch well in advance, including pre-recording episodes and scheduling social media content.
  • Hype it Up: Generate excitement with teasers, behind-the-scenes content, and interactive elements to build anticipation.
  • Consistency is King: Avoid listener drop-off (aka “podfade”) by planning for consistent episode releases after your launch week. We like to suggest that you have at least 10 episodes recorded (and release 5) so that you’ve got a great backlog to give yourself the momentum you need.
  • Embrace the Journey: Enjoy the launch process, celebrate your accomplishment, and keep it going!

By following these steps and leveraging the power of social media, you can ensure your podcast launch is a fantastic success. Whatever that means for you.

Remember, consistency is key to long-term growth, so keep those episodes coming and engage with your audience to build a loyal listener base. Now go forth and podcast!



Brianna Ansaldo

Head Honcho at Bamby Media — Australia’s largest independent podcast production agency.