Blue Variegated Guppy: A Comprehensive Guide

4 min readJan 15, 2024


Welcome to the captivating world of Blue Variegated Guppies, where aquatic beauty blends seamlessly with a burst of colors. In this detailed exploration, we’ll immerse ourselves in the realm of Blue Variegated Guppies, unveiling their origin, characteristics, care routines, breeding nuances, and addressing some intriguing FAQs.

Discovering Blue Variegated Guppies

Blue Variegated Guppies are truly a visual delight, renowned for their captivating colors and endearing demeanor. Picture a fish adorned with vibrant blues, each displaying intricate patterns unique to its individuality. These guppies are not just aquatic pets; they are living works of art.

Notable examples include the “Sapphire Variegated Guppy,” boasting a mesmerizing mix of deep blue and azure hues, and the “Cobalt Mosaic Variegated Guppy,” showcasing a mosaic-like pattern of electric blue and silver reminiscent of an underwater masterpiece.

General Information: Unveiling the Beauty

Origin: Blue Variegated Guppies hail from the tropical waters of South America, particularly regions like Venezuela and Guyana.
Size: These compact wonders typically grow to 1.5 to 2.5 inches, making them a vibrant yet manageable addition to your aquarium.
Lifespan: With proper care, Blue Variegated Guppies can live for approximately 2 to 3 years, and some individuals may exceed this lifespan with excellent care.
Temperament: Known for their peaceful and sociable nature, these guppies thrive in community aquariums and rarely exhibit aggression towards other fish.
Appearance: Their slender, graceful bodies are adorned with a kaleidoscope of colors, intricate patterns, and striking hues that make them a visual delight.
Varieties and Colors: Blue Variegated Guppies come in various color patterns, with Sapphire Variegated and Cobalt Mosaic Variegated being notable variants. Their coloration includes shades of deep blues and silvers, creating a captivating mosaic-like effect.
Price: The cost varies, but on average, you can expect to acquire them for approximately $3 to $5 per fish, with prices influenced by factors like coloration, age, and breeder reputation.

Creating the Ideal Habitat

Natural Habitat: In their native environment, Blue Variegated Guppies inhabit slow-moving, warm waters, such as streams, ponds, and ditches in the tropical regions of South America.
Tank Size: To provide a comfortable home for a small group, a 10-gallon tank is suitable. Larger populations may require a more extensive tank for ample swimming space.
Water Parameters: Blue Variegated Guppies thrive in water temperatures ranging from 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C) and a pH level between 6.8 and 7.8. Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial for their well-being.
Tank Setup: Create an ideal environment by incorporating live or artificial plants, rocks, driftwood, and suitable hiding spots. Floating plants add enrichment to their habitat.

Ensuring a Balanced Diet

Diet: Blue Variegated Guppies are omnivorous, enjoying a diverse diet. Provide high-quality tropical fish flakes or pellets and supplement with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.
Feeding Habits: These guppies exhibit enthusiastic feeding behavior, quickly gathering at the water’s surface during mealtime. A well-balanced diet enhances their coloration and overall health.

Navigating the Breeding Journey

Reproduction: Similar to other guppy varieties, Blue Variegated Guppies are livebearers. The female guppy gives birth to live fry after a gestation period of approximately 4 to 6 weeks.
Breeding Requirements: Successful breeding requires maintaining an appropriate male-to-female ratio in your tank, ideally one male for every two females. Provide sufficient hiding spots for pregnant females to protect their fry.
Spawning Process: The breeding process involves courtship, during which males display vibrant colors and extended fins to attract females. After mating, the female will give birth to live fry. Separating the fry from adult fish helps prevent them from becoming potential prey.

Addressing Health Concerns

Common Health Issues: Blue Variegated Guppies, like many other fish species, may be susceptible to common health issues such as fin rot, ich (white spot disease), and parasitic infections.
Preventive Methods: To prevent health issues, maintain excellent water quality through regular water changes, provide a varied and balanced diet, and quarantine new fish before introducing them to your aquarium. Regular monitoring of your fish’s health and behavior is also essential.

Special Considerations for Optimal Care

Compatibility: Blue Variegated Guppies are generally peaceful and coexist well with various other peaceful fish species, such as neon tetras, platies, and dwarf gouramis. Avoid pairing them with aggressive or fin-nipping fish.
Special Care Instructions: Given their sensitivity to water quality, regular water testing and maintenance are critical. Additionally, ensure that your aquarium has a secure lid, as these active fish may jump out of open tanks.
Legal Restrictions: Check local regulations, as some regions may have restrictions on owning or breeding certain fish species.

Harmonious Coexistence: Tankmates and Gender Differences

Blue Variegated Guppies Varieties: Keep Blue Variegated Guppies together with various other peaceful fish species. Examples include neon tetras, platies, corydoras catfish, harlequin rasboras, dwarf gouramis, endlers livebearers, and zebra danios.
Male vs. Female Differences: Male Blue Variegated Guppies typically exhibit more vibrant colors and longer, more elaborate fins and tails than females. Females are often larger and may display a gravid spot near their abdomen when pregnant.

Comparing Blue Variegated Guppies with Their Counterparts


  • Size: Blue Variegated Guppies fall within the typical size range of guppy varieties.
  • Livebearing: Like other guppies, they are livebearers.
  • Omnivorous Diet: They share the characteristic of being omnivorous, consuming a mix of foods.

- Coloration: The most significant difference is their distinct blue variegated coloration, setting them apart from other guppy varieties with different color patterns.

Varieties: Known for their striking blue mosaic-like patterns, while other guppy strains have their unique color combinations and patterns.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Blue Variegated Guppies bring not only stunning blue mosaic-like patterns but also a peaceful temperament to any aquarium. With the right care and attention to water quality and diet, you can enjoy the vibrant beauty of these guppies in your aquatic sanctuary. Dive into the world of Blue Variegated Guppies and witness the enchantment they add to your aquatic haven.

