Unlocking the Secrets of Blue Moscow Guppies: A Deep Dive into Aquatic Elegance!

4 min readDec 31, 2023


Hey there, fellow aquarists and fish enthusiasts! Today, we’re about to unravel the fascinating world of Blue Moscow Guppies — those delightful aquatic treasures that can infuse your aquarium with a burst of color and charm. So, gear up with your snorkels; we’re in for an exciting journey!

Discovering Blue Moscow Guppies

Unveiling Beauty: Picture Blue Moscow Guppies as living jewels gracing your aquarium. These pint-sized marvels showcase vibrant blue tones, reminiscent of the glistening Moscow River. With sleek bodies and fins resembling delicate butterfly wings, they’re a sight to behold.

Social Butterflies: Recognized for their vibrant personalities, Blue Moscow Guppies are not just swimmers; they’re social beings. Their lively interactions with other tank mates make them a joy to observe.

Varieties Showcase: Explore standout varieties like the “Sapphire Splash” with intense, star-like metallic blue, and the “Cerulean Dream” portraying a softer, sky-blue akin to a clear summer day.

Insights into General Information

Russian Roots: These dazzling guppies hail from the Moscow region in Russia, their name echoing their origins.

Compact Size: Typically growing to a modest 1.5 to 2.5 inches when fully matured.

Longevity: With proper care, anticipate a lifespan of 2 to 3 years, though under ideal conditions, they might exceed expectations.

Peaceful Companions: Renowned for their peace-loving nature, Blue Moscow Guppies thrive in community tanks, harmonizing with other non-aggressive fish.

Visual Appeal: Their captivating appearance is defined by shimmering blue hues and mesmerizing metallic scales that beautifully reflect light.

Colorful Palette: Dive into a spectrum of shades, from “Royal Blue” to “Steel Blue” and “Electric Blue,” each offering a unique touch to the mesmerizing blue theme.

Pricing Palette: Prices range from $5 to $20 per fish, influenced by factors such as color, pattern, and breeder reputation.

Creating the Perfect Habitat

Native Habitat: Originating from slow-moving freshwater bodies, Blue Moscow Guppies favor environments with abundant plants and hiding spots.

Adequate Space: Optimal living conditions call for a minimum tank size of 10 gallons, ensuring comfort and well-being.

Balanced Environment: Maintain slightly alkaline water with pH levels between 7.0 to 7.5. Keep the temperature in the range of 72°F to 82°F, coupled with regular water changes and effective filtration.

Natural Setup: Mimic their native surroundings with live or artificial plants, driftwood, and smooth substrates like sand or gravel. Offer hiding spots using decorations to create a secure habitat.

Savoring the Blue Moscow Guppy Diet

Omnivorous Delights: Blue Moscow Guppies relish a mix of plant and animal-based foods. Serve up a diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and freeze-dried treats like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms to keep them vibrant and healthy.

Feeding Rituals: Watch these enthusiastic eaters eagerly swim to the surface at mealtime. Provide small portions multiple times a day to ensure they consume all the food within a couple of minutes.

Top 5 Foods:

  1. Hikari Micro Pellets
  2. TetraColor Tropical Flakes
  3. Omega One Freeze-Dried Bloodworms
  4. Fluval Bug Bites
  5. Live or frozen brine shrimp

Navigating the Breeding Grounds

Livebearer Legacy: Blue Moscow Guppies follow the livebearing reproductive strategy, giving birth to live fry rather than laying eggs. Males court females with vibrant displays, leading to the release of fully formed fry into the water.

Breeding Success: To encourage breeding, maintain optimal water conditions, ensure a higher ratio of females to males, and provide hiding spots for fry to escape potential predation.

Spawning Serenade: Breeding rituals involve vibrant displays by males, followed by mating and the release of fully formed fry by females into the water.

Tackling Common Health Concerns

Proactive Measures: Though hardy, Blue Moscow Guppies can face health issues like fin rot, ich, and parasites. Preventive measures include maintaining clean water conditions, quarantining new fish, and offering a balanced diet.

Navigating Special Considerations

Peaceful Cohabitation: Blue Moscow Guppies gel well with peaceful tankmates like Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, and Corydoras Catfish.

Care Guidelines: Regular water testing and maintenance are paramount for their health and longevity.

Stay Legal: Be aware of local regulations concerning ownership and breeding practices.

Decoding Male vs. Female Distinctions

Colorful Dazzle: Males flaunt vibrant blue hues and a slender body shape.

Feminine Elegance: Females are slightly larger, rounder, with a less intense blue coloration.

In Conclusion

In a nutshell, while Blue Moscow Guppies share commonalities with other guppy varieties, their vibrant blue hues, Russian origin, and selective breeding focus set them apart. As you dive into the captivating world of aquariums, these enchanting guppies are sure to elevate your aquatic experience. Happy fish-keeping!

