How to extract data from response body (JSON & XML) in Postman

Banait Ankita
3 min readSep 19, 2021


‘Why we want to extract data from response ?’

One of reason is to chain the API requests.

Now, what is API chaining?

API chaining is to extract data from one request, save it in variable and use the variable in another request. This will make our request more dynamic and reduce the manual task.

We can extract data from both JSON and XML response body.

Let’s dig in how to extract data from response body with following example:

Extracting data from JSON response body


· Postman

· GET request API URL:

Step 1: Add request in postman

Adding API Request in Postman

Notice we got our response in nested JSON object array schema.

Step 2: Parse the data from JSON response

· Go to the Tests

· Define a variable to parse the JSON data

To Parse JSON Data

Step 3: Extract the path of desired node from Nested JSON array

To extract data from JSON object array we can use any online tool like JSON Path Finder.

· Go to

· Copy response from postman and paste it in JSON Path Finder

· Copy the path for desired node as shown below to use it in Postman

Extracting Path Using JSON Path Finder


· To get value of first_name:[3].first_name

· To get the of last_name:[3].last_name

Step 4: Use the path to extract data from response body

Extracting Data from Response Body

Just hit the Send button and console output shows that we Successfully extracted data from JSON response body

Postman Console Output

Extracting data from XML response body


· Postman

· Post request API WSDL:

Step 1: Add request in postman

Adding API Request in Postman

Step 2: Parse the data from XML response

· Go to the Tests

· Define a variable to parse the XML data

To Parse XML Data

Step 3: Extract the path of desired node from XML Response

Consider the XML Response as below:

XML Response Body

For example to reach node ”m:CountryISOCodeResult”, we need to start from root node → soap: Envelope → soap: Body → m:CountryISOCodeResponse → m:CountryISOCodeResult

Extracting Node Path for XML

So the path for CountryISOCodeResult : [‘soap:Envelope’][‘soap:Body’][‘m:CountryISOCodeResponse’][‘m:CountryISOCodeResult’]

Step 4: Use the path to extract data from response body

Extracting Data from XML Response Body

Just hit the Send button and console output shows that we Successfully extracted data from XML response body

This is all about extracting data from JSON and XML response body. In the next blog I will use this extracted data for API chaining.

Happy Learning!

